Reading through the book
The End by Mark Hitchcock last night I came across a line where he wrote the following, "The great American statesman Daniel Webster was once asked about the greatest thought to ever enter his mind. He responded, "The most important thought that ever occupied my mind is 'my accountability to God.'" What gripped Webster was the knowledge that one day he would stand before God." and I began to wonder how I would feel standing in the awesome presence of our risen Lord.
At first, I imagined standing on a huge, empty, white marble floor in front of a majestic throne with angels surrounding and looking down on me in judgment. I wanted to cower down and disappear as I felt the unworthiness to stand in the presence of All Mighty God. I could feel the sin of my life covering me in shame, but then the attack from the enemy ended, and I began to see how God saw me, through the finished work of His Son Jesus Christ. I envisioned myself getting up off the floor and standing up straight as I realized that I was the righteousness of the Lord through Christ Jesus. I'm sure many of you have had this attack from the enemy, accusing of not being worthy, but never let that thought stay in your mind for long!

As Martin Luther said, "Let it accuse us, let it slander us, let it persecute us and not spare us; still we must not hold our peace but must speak freely, so that afflicted consciences may be delivered out of the snares of the devil." Therefor, when he (the devil) comes at you proclaiming the law, and how you have failed to live up to its demands, run to the grace of Christ and let Him shelter you. And never forget that when you're going through a 'dark night of the soul' to seek out other believers that they may comfort you. Once again on this subject I would like to quote Luther, "Therefore, it is dangerous for us to be alone (Ecclesiastes 4:10). There is no danger if we separate ourselves from other people for a day or two to pray; we read that Christ went up the mountain alone and stayed there for the night to pray, and he did the same in the Garden (Matthew 26:39; Luke 22:41). But when people are forced to lead a solitary life, that is a device of the devil himself. When we are tempted and are alone, we cannot raise ourselves up even in the least temptation."
So as we contemplate that glorious day when we stand before our Lord, do not be afraid, if you are in Christ, but stand (or kneel if you choose) in loving admiration and love of your God. He will be there to reward you for your deeds on earth and to say 'well done good and faithful servant'. For those of you who are not in Christ, I would urge you to accept Him as Lord of your life and confess your sin and ask Him to come live within you. Once you have done this, you're now one of the faithful and will stand with us before the Great Throne of God! God Bless!
By Jeffrey Brandon Lee
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