In the previously mentioned article it is claimed that North Korea has yet to attain the technology necessary to reduce the size of the nuclear warhead enough to enable their rockets to reach the west coast of the United States, but is this a unanimously held belief? According to, "Estimates of its range are therefore uncertain, but extend from 3,750 km
to 6,700 km. If these are accurate, the Taepodong-2 would be capable of
targeting most of the continental United States." This is a frightening assessment of the rouge nations strike capabilities. So why do we take such potential threats so lightly?
The United States is not unfamiliar with dictators, or madmen, making threats against it. In World War II Hitler made it quite clear what his intentions were and we failed to stand up to him in the beginning, and look where that got us. More recently we knew that Osama Bin Laden was preparing to use airlines in some sort of domestic attack, and once again we failed to react. Now we have a clear threat from a belligerent nation that is has been run by a family dynasty that has been plagued by madness. So what are we to do?
By Jeffrey Brandon Lee
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