The school has voted that the American flag can no longer be flown in the lobby of the campus. And according to Breitbart, "The language of the bill claims that flags “construct cultural mythologies and narratives that in turn charge nationalistic sentiments,” and further charges that “flags construct paradigms of conformity and sets homogenized standards for others to obtain which in this country typically are idolized as freedom, equality, and democracy.” Guevara’s resolution goes further on to say that “freedom of speech, in a space that aims to be as inclusive as possible, can be interpreted as hate speech.”. So now the American flag is considered hate speech on a campus that receives funding from that same country!
I bring up this example to briefly touch on a much larger subject, and that is the destruction of the Nation State (eliminating individual countries in the advancement of a global government). This unfortunately is not in the least bit a conspiracy. This author is working on a Master's degree from the most prominent Political Science program in the nation, The Maxwell School. Required reading demands the reading of United Nations proposals and agendas, and what is casually regarded as scholarly reading is actually quite scary. Whether it be Agenda 21, or Bush's 'Trilateral Commission', or the simple statement on our dollar 'Novus Ordo Seclorum' (New World Order)...the United Nations have been trying to destroy the borders of every country. How?
One very clever way is to slowly erode a people's belief in their own nations character and history. The United States is a key example. Over the last 80-90 years the Progressive, or Democratic Party, has been trying to convince the Nation that our founders, fiscal leaders, and prominent figures were evil and consumed with greed and racism. There are virtually no facts to back this up, unless you look at the Democratic Party's history, but that is not the point of this article. Slowly, but surely, our leaders are eroding our faith in our nations greatness, and this is happening in other countries as well. It starts with the banning of the flag, just as a termites first bite, and then before you know it our nation is a shell of what it once was. Sadly, we are already a shell of who we once were. 10 years ago I wrote a rebuttal to a UN article 'The Destruction of the Nation State'...Might be a interesting read considering how long ago the UN was being bombarded with this ideal.
By Jeffrey Brandon Lee
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