On one of the tripods was set up a photo of the German army and some German Jews, and underneath it spoke about how the first thing the Nazi's did, which were referred to as the National Socialist Party, was to take control of the news media and monitor and dictate what it shared with the public. What would follow would be one of history's greatest examples of mass brainwashing ever! Joseph Goebbels would lead the German people on a path of hatred that included everyone who was not Aryan by birth, and it would eventually lead to the killings of millions of innocent people all across Europe. What I found ironic about the photo and caption, were that it mirrored a lot of what is currently going on in our own country. If you watch closely, you can see that the mainstream media, save perhaps Fox News, is in step with everything the White House wants, and rarely go as far as to show even the least little bit of disagreement with His (Obama's) policies. So there we have the first step in the Socialist grab for power, but you may ask where does the antisemitism fit in? To answer quite frankly, the 'Big Banks' of Wall Street. How are the two interlinked with the Jewish people, and further how does that match with the Germany of World War II?
In World War II the Nazi's had been indoctrinated with an antisemitic worldview that can trace its roots to Martin Luther and even further in the past. The Jews of Nazi Germany were in charge of the banks, but this was not what infuriated German's most. It was the fact that Jew's were looked at as the reason their country was in such great debt, which in a small sense was true. The Rothschild's were Europe's bankers and had been there to bail out many nations in their time of need, and yes they were Jewish, and yes they charged interest on these loans. Hitler felt extremely jealous of the rich, and since Jewish people were among the most wealthy, he hated them most. He actually looked at his proposed extermination of their race as a duty owed to God. Along with many other antisemitic 'Christians' they all failed to realize that if they really truly believed in the Bible then they would realize that God had given the Jewish people a right to charge interest on loans to all non-Jews. The result was similar to the King of France during the Templar's time, and that is, they confiscated the Jew's wealth first, with the King of France then moving on to take the Templar's belongings. Now let's take a look at today.
When the Barak Obama began running his Socialist campaign, his first attacks were on the big banks of Wall Street, which just happened to be mostly Jewish firms. Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Bear Sterns, and other smaller firms were among those Semitic investment banks. He was able to whip up a national fervor that had the American people wanting the bank CEO's blood! Not mentioned by the government owned media, was that these banks had been forced by Congress for the last 3 decades to provide loans to people who would otherwise not qualify. There were threats that the government would look into the percentage of sub-prime loans each bank was issuing to make sure they were doing their part to provide homes to everyone. And to let the real genie out of the bottle, Bill Clinton repealed the Glass-Stegall Act, enabling banks to be both an investment bank and a holding bank. This had been outlawed since the time of J.P. Morgan because many at the time saw the inherent conflict of interest involved, but people really don't want to hear the government was at fault.
As a final thought, it is seems to go hand in hand with how the current President has handled the Middle East, that we are distancing ourselves from Israel ever so slightly. We must pray that our country does not follow the trends of historic Europe and their constant antisemitic uprisings. We must remember that God chose the Jew's as His people and blessed them, and said that anyone who curses them, they also shall be cursed. Keep your eyes open!
By Jeffrey Brandon Lee
When the Barak Obama began running his Socialist campaign, his first attacks were on the big banks of Wall Street, which just happened to be mostly Jewish firms. Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Bear Sterns, and other smaller firms were among those Semitic investment banks. He was able to whip up a national fervor that had the American people wanting the bank CEO's blood! Not mentioned by the government owned media, was that these banks had been forced by Congress for the last 3 decades to provide loans to people who would otherwise not qualify. There were threats that the government would look into the percentage of sub-prime loans each bank was issuing to make sure they were doing their part to provide homes to everyone. And to let the real genie out of the bottle, Bill Clinton repealed the Glass-Stegall Act, enabling banks to be both an investment bank and a holding bank. This had been outlawed since the time of J.P. Morgan because many at the time saw the inherent conflict of interest involved, but people really don't want to hear the government was at fault.
By Jeffrey Brandon Lee
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