Since F.D.R., the federal government has been on a mission to destroy the family through aid programs that do nothing other than to give people an easy way out of a decision they made. Tired of living with your husband? Get divorced and the government will raise your child for you. Want a $500,000 dollar house and you make $10/hour? Uncle Sam has got your back! These FHA insured type loans have been going on since the great depression and yet we never seem to learn that if someone can't afford a house on a piece of paper, then they definitely can't afford it in real life. Jack Cashill has a great quote on the destruction of the family when he writes the following, "Many of the new homeowners were not nearly ready to own a home. Single mothers, for instance, received some 20 percent of these mortgages in already vulnerable cities like Philadelphia and Detroit. Since roughly 1960, the federal government had been on an unwitting campaign to drive fathers from the home. That was the year that the Aid to Dependent Children Program became the
Aid to
families with Dependent Children Program became the Aid to
Moms with Dependent Children. A working dad at home did not fit the state definition of family. In 1964 the Feds sweetened the pot for forsaken moms with food stamps and in 1965 with Medicaid."

We, as Americans, need to learn to tighten our belt's and save when times are good and not constantly go on binge spending when we get a raise, or grab a credit card when things go wrong. I for one have been caught in this vicious cycle, but it is time to stand up and tell the government to stop spending and we will take our lumps for the betterment of our children's futures!
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