As predicted in my first blog on the Boston Massacre, the left wing media almost immediately began to assign blame to possible right wing extremist groups. The problem with these accusations is that there was absolutely no evidence that had come in that would lead anyone to come to that conclusion. It is a sign once again of the media trying to get in line with the White House and its policy to avoid at whatever cost calling an action a terrorist one. Finally, Obama did have the gumption to go against his liberal base and call it what it was, a terrorist act, but you could see he did everything to make it clear he didn't want to say those words. He went as far as to say whenever a bomb is used against civilians, then it is inherently a terrorist act.
Once again I would urge Americans to cry out against this insanity that we call being 'politically correct'. It will be the destruction of our nation and our way of life. We need to keep a tight grip on the truth and not let our favorite news anchors sway our opinion. Fox news pointed out major anchors who implicated right wing groups right off the bat, including 'chill up my leg' Chris Matthews. I could put out a blog that stated Big Bird was behind the bombings at the beginning and I guess that would qualify as hard hitting journalism? We need to demand more of our media, or vote with our remotes. If a station continually gets something wrong then you should have the commonsense to realize that they may not be telling you the truth, and therefor you should pick another station, or just not watch the news at all.

When we finally get to the bottom of who was behind this horrific event we will finally know which news outlets were trying to cover the facts, and which were trying to push White House policy. I will reiterate that Islam is not a religion of peace and never has been, and this latest attack proves that being nice (like Obama) and playing patty cake with them does not stop them in their mission. Keep your prayers up for our President and everyone else on this planet that sanity would reign. God bless!
By Jeffrey Brandon Lee
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