When a young boy grows up without the authority that comes with a father figure he is twice as likely to go to prison. To those who had a father, you know how it felt to hug your dad and the power you felt in his embrace. That strength naturally translated in to a healthy fear when it came to dicipline. When a young man never has that powerful presence in his life there is an inherent lack of fear of consequences, which leads to unlawful acts.
One of the saddest statistics pretaining to fatherless children is the suicide rate. 63% of all suicides come from children suffering from this epidemic. When a child has one parent missing there is a natural tendency for them to feel abandoned and unwanted. Related closely to suicide is behavioral disorders, and 85% of all children with these disorders have no father in the home. A balanced home with father and mother give a child a true sense of who they are as a person. They see how two adults interact and are able to learn how to behave socially in a more effective way.
Education, one of the most important areas of a young child's life, is one of the hardest hit areas in this discussion. 71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes, and this derives from the parents not being able to supervise their child's homework, which also leads to lower expectations on the part of the parent.
There are several other troubling stats when it comes to the subject at hand, but the few stated are a clear picture of the problem we face as a society. To the parents out there who are considering ending their marriage please look at your child and see that they are worth making the effort to work things out. If you need to go to counseling, then really try what they suggest. If there has been marital unfaithfulness, spend time in prayer and ask Jesus for the strength to forgive your partner. The bottom line is that there is nothing on this earth more important than to give our children the best opportunities in this life.
Jeffrey Brandon Lee
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