The war of words in the United States, and the World, is key in the assumption of public opinion. Progressives have long believed that you can simply change a word or two in a movement, and the 'ignorant public' will readily accept the same package...Just worded differently. This brief article will outline just a few examples of this practice, and then you can ask if you have been 'duped' by the liberals.
The first example I would like to use is one we have all been bombarded with for the last decade, 'Global Warming'. We were all warned that hurricanes and other weather anomalies were going to rise in frequency and parts of Florida would be under water in 2015. Well, time has passed, and these events have not transpired as they were said to have. Dr. Richard Lindzen of MIT, the Preeminent college for science, said the following, "How can one escape from the Iron Triangle when it produces flawed science that is immensely influential and is forcing catastrophic public policy?". He later refers to Global Warming followers as a 'cult'. So one of the smartest men on the planet says global warming is a hoax, and what do the liberals do? Change the name. We now are in danger of 'Climate Change'. So every 'wild' change in temperature can be called Climate Change...Even when the weather is normal, snow in the north, lack of rain in the desert west, it is a sign of Climate change, because everyone knows deserts get rain all the time. But the public gobbles it up and thinks it's truth.

Next, let take the current negotiations with Iran. Obama has been reportedly dealing with Iran, without public knowledge, since the middle of 2014, and even stoping an Israeli attack by threatening to shoot down their planes with drones. The public has been in an uproar with polls showing that over 80% of the US disagree with Obama and his treaty talks with Iran, and over 60% want military action against the country. So what is the progressive response? Obama's mouthpieces, and even Hillary Clinton in her 'inspiring' speech today, claim that the Republicans in Congress sending a note to Iran saying they will not abide by any treaty agreed to without their consent, were partnering with the 'hardliners in Tehran'. And every news media has picked up and ran with it. Republicans are in bed with Iran, when in fact they were telling Tehran there is no deal unless they approve it, but the public claps and says 'Republicans are in bed with Tehran'.
The last 'War of Words' to be addressed is the 'War on Women'. The new campaign slogan of the Democratic Party. It is their newest attempt to dress their socialist agenda in a new outfit. We have addressed the issue of race with the election of Obama, and the socialist agenda is furthered, now we must address the inequality of wages for women and elect Clinton, and the socialist agenda is furthered. The facts are quite damning to Obama and Clinton, as women in their employ experience a greater pay gap than in the private sector. But, does truth matter anymore, or just charisma?

The 'Progressive', or 'Socialist' agenda, has a long term outlook, and is only concerned with slowly eroding our country from within. They control MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and many other liberal networks. As we see ISIS, a group Obama refuses to call Islamic, unites globally, Iran is allowed to develop nukes during the 'sunset' period of the proposed agreement, according to experts, and the growing Russian threat...I wonder if America will ever take off the blinders and see truth.
By Jeffrey Brandon Lee
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