Many times in life we are left feeling inadequate or unworthy of God's call on our lives. Whether it's a sin we think God simply can't forgive us for, or the task that is just to great for us to overcome, it can truly put us in a rut. The purpose of this article is going to shed light on how to respond to the constant inner conflict and defeatist attitude that stalls our obedience to God.
Guilt is one of the tragic feelings that many Christians constantly battle to overcome. At times it can be something so trivial and small it may seem silly to even feel guilt, but at other times it may be a very great sin that constantly plagues our consciences. Take heart in the fact that you're not alone. There has never been a man or woman who ever lived on this earth that has not sinned, except the mighty Son of God Jesus Christ.
So when the guilt attempts to condemn you and lay on your shoulder's the burden of sin, remember what Christ did for you! Jesus lived the unblemished life that the messiah must, and for that He was put on a cross and nailed to it where He died. He did this not only to do the Father's will, but so that you wouldn't have to feel the guilt or condemnation for you past mistakes. He died and went to hell so that when the devil comes at you and accuses you saying you're not worthy to undertake the mission God has set before you, you can tell him, "I live without the burden of sin for God poured His wrath out on His Son so that I would no longer have to live by the law, which is called the ministry of death." So pick yourself up with the confidence of God's love and move boldly toward the future that God has planned for you!
Others of you may look at the task assigned and say, "Lord there is no possible way that I can accomplish what you have asked me to do." This is a very common fear that we deal with when we are presented with a clear assignment from God, but once again we must not let ourselves get stuck in the mud and not move forward. We must always remember that we can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us! He would have never given you the assignment if you could not accomplish it, and He knows exactly how it will be done. All we have to do is have faith that He is in control of the situation and that He will deliver us in our time of need.
The father of the Reformation, Martin Luther, is a prime example of how far God can take a simple man. Luther was a monk in a small Abby in Germany in the 15th century. Early on he struggled with his faith and even questioned the goodness of God, but God had a great work to do in this single man. Through diligent study of the word and extraordinary faith, Luther was able to challenge the very Papal throne. He relied completely on the grace and faithfulness of God to the point of facing death as an accused heretic. Through it all God always provided the words and safety that Luther needed to accomplish his mission. Today we all benefit from his courage and faith as he translated the first Bible to be available to the masses.
The important fact to remember when you face the challenge God has set before you, is that He loves you enough to sacrifice His own Son so that you could be with Him forever! If you truly believe that He is all powerful, then walk boldly out into the world and accomplish the task He set before you. I can guarantee one thing, and that is, if it is His will, He will make the way for you to succeed in everything He has for you. God Bless and have a great day!
By Jeffrey Brandon Lee
By Jeffrey Brandon Lee
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