Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hypocrisy: Gun Control, Big Banks, and Climate Change

      Hypocrisy runs thick among politicians as we all know, but when looking at the far left it seems to be much more prevalent. If one pays very close attention to the words that come out of a liberal politician mouth you will see they are speaking out of both sides of it. To an audience that is plagued with the attention span of a two-year old, their arguments sound very fluid, convincing, and moral. I will use a few prominent issues to prove this sad state of the liberal agenda.
     Abortion has been one of the most fought over issues over the last forty or so years. The right has remained fairly consistent on the issue, believing that in almost all cases abortion should be outlawed due to the sanctity of life. The left on the other hand has been all over the map when it comes to the importance of life. First, you hear politicians such as Barak Obama calling for an end to the sale of assault rifles, and even claimed that if just 'one' child could be saved it would be worth it. Now that argument in and of itself seems to come from a passion for saving lives, but what comes out of the other side of his mouth? When he was in the senate in Illinois he argued that babies who survived an abortion should be allowed to die from malnutrition. So what exactly is the real stance of the left? 55 million babies have been aborted since abortion was legalized in the 1970's, but liberals have done nothing to stop the senseless murdering of innocence. The reality is that politicians such as Barak Obama and Nancy Pelosi only care about saving just 'one' innocent life if it fits their political agenda.
     On the economic front there is a constant attack on big business from those in control of our government at this present time. They cry for fairness and equality for all, but when the veil is pulled back who is supporting these very same democrats? In 2008 6 of the top 7 donors to Obama's campaign were investment banks. These same investment banks (like the bankrupt Lehman Brother's) were the one's who were responsible for the housing crisis and the skyrocketing gas prices. So why would they support candidates who said they wanted to take down these very same companies? The answer is quite clear! When it comes to investment banks, they now have the backing of the federal government when they invest in risky ventures, because they now know they have paid for the government to bail them out when they are in trouble. As for oil companies, they love the policies that shutdown more production, because when you shutdown production supply falls and prices along with profits rise. When you open up drilling to more competition the price drops drastically.
     Climate change will be the last issue discussed in this paper. Whether climate change is man made is still up for some debate, but that is not what will be discussed here, we will look at the true motives of the people promoting this fear. Let's look at Al Gore and his mission to end the harmful carbon emissions of the human race. On face value it seems once again to be a very worthy cause that most Americans would support, but now let's look at the truth behind his mission. Al Gore owns a home that produces 20 to 25 times the carbon emissions of a normal American household. He also flies around on a Lear jet that is a major carbon emitter. Putting aside these simple hypocrisies, we can get to the real sinister motive behind climate change. Al Gore constantly presses for carbon taxes and credits and there is a very real reason for this. He is a board member and major shareholder in the company that will be selling these very same carbon credits. It has been reported that he stands to make from 1 to 1.5 billion dollars if he can get the bill passed in congress. Now that is real concern for the environment. Another short example of this profit based motive cloaked in concern for the environment is that of MSNBC. They have been huge supporters of the green movement and the new low carbon emitting light bulbs. Great idea! Less electricity used and we will all save money on our electric bill. Now the reality, MSNBC is owned by GE (the very same company that manufactures the more expensive light bulb) and when you combine the wind energy and light bulb pushed they're reported to see an increase in revenue which could reach 1 trillion dollars when all is said and done. Sad!
     Now politicians on both sides of the isle are guilty of this type of behavior, but until we find a man with true character and an unbending will, we should seek to support the lesser of two evils. And furthermore, I encourage each and every American to take a close look at what they're being told and not just take it in unquestioned. If we don't we become mindless minions of a large and powerful government that will exploit us at every possible turn. God Bless and have a great day.

By Jeffrey Brandon Lee  

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