Grant for me a second the fact that there is a supreme being that created and rules the universe. For this discussion I will use Christ as the omnipotent God (since that is my own personal belief) that is in charge of every aspect of the cosmos. With that said, I would like to pose a question to the reader. If there are 4 to 5 billion people on earth who believe in a higher power, why do we consistently mock Him in our everyday living? I ask this question in light of the meteor hitting Russia, North Korea expanding its' nuclear capabilities, and the Pope resigning.
When we look at the Bible and its' teachings on the end time it is clear that we will know the season of Christ return, just not the day or hour. It states that we will see signs in the heavens (meteors, comets, etc.), rumors of wars (North Korea, Iran, and Russia), and one extra-biblical prophecy that the next Pope will be the last. If one is alive and breathing it is apparent that there is turmoil all over the globe, but why do we still try to laugh it off and deny that quite possibly God may be trying to get our attention?

I was watching a clip of John D. Rockefeller IV address an audience that was in support of a one world government and I saw the most amazing act of defiance against the Creator. He was mocking a statement in a book written by Pat Buchanan, in which he made reference to the widely help Biblical belief that any world government that man tried to form without Christ as its' head, would be doomed to failure and would be evil at its' heart. Rockefeller IV's response was, "I ask you that you join me at the right hand of satan..." to build a one world government. The audience erupted in laughter and applause. While his intention may have a been an attempt at humor, the fact is he was shaking his fist in the face of God and challenging the He has set forth.

The effects of the meteor hitting Russia is not fully noticeable as of yet, but the mocking has begun already. There was one article on yahoo.com that stated, "Meteor...Not the end of the world." as if that writer was privy to the knowledge of the Most High. The reality is that when the meteor struck people were terrified and thought Russia was at war. So if people were so confident in their scientific approach to life and the cosmos, why would they immediately become so terrified and unsure? The answer is that deep down inside we all know there is a God of the universe and if you're heart is not right with Him you will always have fear living just beneath the surface.
I would like to ask every reader to search your own heart and see if you're confident in where your future lies. We may be approaching the end times, or it may be a thousand years away, regardless you need to have that confidence that is found in Christ alone. With Christ as your center you can face anything the world can throw at you! And remember, He does ALL things for your good. God bless.
By Jeffrey Brandon Lee
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