Tuesday, August 12, 2014

US Foreign Policy Under the Current Administration

The crisis in the Middle East and Ukraine has raised some 

interesting questions about Obama's foreign policy.  There 

doesn't seem to be a cohesive nature to any of his actions. 

It appears that he only 'reacts' to events, and then when he 

reacts, he doesn't seem to think the situation all the way 

through.  Some of the stances of this government are just so 

off kilter that some may sense something sinister behind his 

actions.  That aside, the novice foreign policy displayed by 

this President has left the world on the precipice of disaster.

     Take for example the President's handling of Egypt 

during the 'Arab Spring'.  He supported the coup d'etat that ended Mubarak's reign in Eygpt 

and brought to power the Muslim Brotherhood.  This precipitated the killing and persecution of 

Christians, and what was Obama's response?  To continue the $1.5 billion in military aid to 

Egypt's new radical leaders. Recently, Sisi was elected to take over power in Egypt and 

Obama responded by holding up military aid because according to Yahoo's Dmitri Zaks

'Russia has jumped at the chance to grab a bigger slice of the Egyptian arms market after the 

United States suspended some of its weapons deliveries in the wake of Sisi's crackdown on 

the former Islamic government last year.'.  Why would we hold up arms shipments to a leader 

who is cracking down on radical Islam?  A nation that is also fighting with our 'ally' Israel 

against the Palestinian tunnels (but you won't hear that on the news).  Now Russia is stepping 

to fill the gap and providing $3 billion in military weaponry and forging an alliance with the new 

Egyptian leader.

     With Russia ignoring the UN warning to not bring in humanitarian aid, the massacre in Syria

and Iraq (with Obama breaking his promise and sending in troops), Isis' leader claiming to be 

the 12th Imam, China and North Korea flexing their muscles, and Obama allowing a flood of 

illegals (including MS13 gang members and scores of people on the watch list)...how long will

Obama believe that diplomacy is the only option when dealing with madmen?  Our country 

needs a President, and not someone perpetually on vacation.


Jeffrey Brandon Lee


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