Take for instance the LGBT community and all the strides they've made in gaining equal status for themselves and their partners. They are disproportionately represented in all aspects of the media, which is where many people get their information about life in general. Even this protection isn't at the root of the problem, in fact the majority of Americans are completely accepting of their lifestyle and have no qualms with them uniting in marriage. The problem is the pendulum has swung too far in their direction. Now people who do not agree with their lifestyle are forced to resign or are fired from their jobs for their differing beliefs. Now their voices are being threatened inside their own houses of worship!
The LGBT community was used as an example because they are the most vocal and feel the most deprived of their rights. If a person in America says 'I think homosexuality is wrong.', what is the typical response? 'You're a hater.' 'You're homophobic.' 'You're closed minded.' Your voice is silenced as you're made to feel like some vile hate filled creature that hates anyone different from yourself. This is where Islam comes into play.
The sad reality is we as Americans have forgot what right and wrong are. Our moral compass points whichever way the media tells it to, and when we do see something obviously evil...we are afraid to speak up and take a stand for fear of verbal retribution. Our President has helped promote this mindset with the constant backing of rebels who turn out to be radical Islamic groups. Most Americans have no idea who the good or bad guys are, or if their are any good guys, and all the President says is 'We need to find a diplomatic solution to this problem.'. One thing the Western world needs to understand as Islam invades our homelands is that a grown man who can take child after child and cut their head off and scream in delight cannot be diplomatically dealt with. Evil must be faced with the force of good and stopped. But I fear our spineless politicians and politically correct citizens would rather bow to Islam than fight for truth and good.
Jeffrey Brandon Lee
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