Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Freedom of Speech: Don't Let Your Fears Allow the Government to Censor Your Voice!
In this age of information technology and fast-paced news there arises new fears and dangers. Whether it be political or market based new, it fires across the internet at ever faster rates, with very little or no verification necessary. This leads many to call for stricter controls and verification processes, but this would be a huge mistake and violation of our First Amendment rights as Americans.
Another recent episode that is a great example of our free press was the coverage of the Saudi 'student' that was mysteriously ushered out of the country after the Boston bombings. This news was broken by Glen Beck and The Blaze with information that was provided by firsthand sources. This student was originally listed as 'A Person of Interest' and was put on the terrorist watch list, but the government immediately tried to bury and change this information. But even with the damage control that has been attempted, Janet Napolitano admitted that the Saudi was indeed on the previously mentioned watch list. So why did we try and ship him out of the country in the middle of the night?
By Jeffrey Brandon Lee
Monday, April 22, 2013
One of my favorite parables in the Bible (Because I have been both men) is the one where a man is in front of the church boasting to God how great he is and how many good works he has done, and then there is the man in the back pounding his chest claiming that he isn't worthy...Jesus said the one in the back goes home justified...Martin Luther states the fate of the proud man as, "Because people are proud and dream they are wise, righteous, and holy, it is necessary for them to be HUMBLED by the law, so that the BEAST that is their high opinion of their righteousness might be slain; otherwise no one can obtain life."
Saturday, April 20, 2013
To Stand In the Presence of God On Judgment Day: What Will You Feel?
At first, I imagined standing on a huge, empty, white marble floor in front of a majestic throne with angels surrounding and looking down on me in judgment. I wanted to cower down and disappear as I felt the unworthiness to stand in the presence of All Mighty God. I could feel the sin of my life covering me in shame, but then the attack from the enemy ended, and I began to see how God saw me, through the finished work of His Son Jesus Christ. I envisioned myself getting up off the floor and standing up straight as I realized that I was the righteousness of the Lord through Christ Jesus. I'm sure many of you have had this attack from the enemy, accusing of not being worthy, but never let that thought stay in your mind for long!
So as we contemplate that glorious day when we stand before our Lord, do not be afraid, if you are in Christ, but stand (or kneel if you choose) in loving admiration and love of your God. He will be there to reward you for your deeds on earth and to say 'well done good and faithful servant'. For those of you who are not in Christ, I would urge you to accept Him as Lord of your life and confess your sin and ask Him to come live within you. Once you have done this, you're now one of the faithful and will stand with us before the Great Throne of God! God Bless!
By Jeffrey Brandon Lee
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