Friday, April 19, 2013
F.D.R. & Obama: The New Deal, As It Relates To Obama's Economic Plans
On the economic front there have been a few positive developments as oil and gas prices have begun to dip as big money is fleeing to other investments, but this will likely not last long as our government has yet to address the underlying problem with our economy and dollar, overspending. We continually spend far more then we take in, and as many have said, this cannot continue. In studying the past it is amazing that we continue down this path of using government spending to help stimulate the economy.
During the Great Depression our country under Herbert Hoover attempted to stimulate the economy by lowering personal taxes, but it was too little too late. As John Kenneth Galbraith says in A Journey Through Economic Time the tax break amounted to the following, "A taxpayer with an income of $5,000, a very comfortable return in those days, had his or her tax cut by two-thirds. It went from $16.88 to $5.63. Someone with $10,000, roughly the equivalent of $100,000 today, saw his tax go from $120 down to $65." Obviously this was not nearly drastic enough to stave the economic tsunami that was headed our way. As history shows, Hoover ended up losing the election, and in came F.D.R. and The New Deal.
Roosevelt's cabinet contained a vast array of political insight, including a rather 'vocal' communist bunch, who helped to form the economic policy of the next decade. F.D.R., with advice from some prominent economist, wanted the government to buy gold to drive up the prices, and thus, presumably, the prices of other commodities would go higher as well, but this was an utter failure. This did not stop F.D.R., according to Galbraith, from his toying with, and destruction of, the gold standard as he would candidly as his economic adviser each morning what the price of gold should be. Many other policies were undertaken by the administration, of which Galbraith was a part, and in one quote from his book you can see the administrations lies coming through when he states the following, "He too promised fiscal responsibility, strong steps toward a balanced budget. Later, in 1936, when he asked Samuel Rosemann, his highly accomplished assistant, how he might reconcile the spending and deficits of his first four years with the promise of strict fiscal rectitude that he had made in a speech in Pittsburgh in 1932, he was told, according to legend, that his only course was to deny firmly that he had ever given that speech." Sounds eerily familiar to what our current government does when the actions don't match the promises.
When looking at the excessive government spending program that was undertaken during the Great Depression even Galbraith admits it did nothing, or quite possibly made the situation worse, and that the real reason we made it out of that economic disaster was the advent of World War II. I hope our current government will reverse course in its spending habits, and that in the end we will not have to look for a great war to get us out of this economic hole that we are in.
By Jeffrey Brandon Lee
Chechen Islamic Terrorists: Love the Person, Hate the Sin
As today's events unfold we must keep our faith in Christ at the forefront and not lust for revenge. One man has already lost his life, and thus paid the ultimate price for his sins. The younger man is still on the loose and let us pray that he is taken alive so that we can gather from him as much information as possible. With that said, let's not forget where these two are from, and what that may possibly mean.
Chechnya has long been a hot bed of Islamic terrorism, which has been a thorn in Russia's side. If one remembers as late as 2004 a school and 1,100 people were taken hostage by Chechen Islamic terrorists and that ended in 380 people dying, including many children. It is quite amazing that the news media is not covering the Chechen connection more closely, but I guess it shouldn't be that surprising with our ignorance to the terror that is Islam. What people fail to realize is how committed an Islamic terrorist can be. You may have seen the interview with the college student who knew the remaining suspect and claimed that he was a nice guy. He went on to say that he was on the wrestling team, played soccer, and many other 'friendly activities, and that is what should concern us. The mindset of an individual who can smile in your face and be your friend, while at the same plotting over a period of time to kill so many innocent people, should open our eyes.
Now I want to make it clear that according to the Bible we are to love the person and hate the sin! Pray for this young man that he would turn himself in, and maybe in time, Christ would reveal himself to him and become his savior, because Jesus loves that kid as much as He does you and I. Good bless and keep in prayer.
By Jeffrey Brandon Lee
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Left Wing Media Immediately Seeks to Assign Blame to Right Wing Extremist Groups, With No Evidence
As predicted in my first blog on the Boston Massacre, the left wing media almost immediately began to assign blame to possible right wing extremist groups. The problem with these accusations is that there was absolutely no evidence that had come in that would lead anyone to come to that conclusion. It is a sign once again of the media trying to get in line with the White House and its policy to avoid at whatever cost calling an action a terrorist one. Finally, Obama did have the gumption to go against his liberal base and call it what it was, a terrorist act, but you could see he did everything to make it clear he didn't want to say those words. He went as far as to say whenever a bomb is used against civilians, then it is inherently a terrorist act.
Once again I would urge Americans to cry out against this insanity that we call being 'politically correct'. It will be the destruction of our nation and our way of life. We need to keep a tight grip on the truth and not let our favorite news anchors sway our opinion. Fox news pointed out major anchors who implicated right wing groups right off the bat, including 'chill up my leg' Chris Matthews. I could put out a blog that stated Big Bird was behind the bombings at the beginning and I guess that would qualify as hard hitting journalism? We need to demand more of our media, or vote with our remotes. If a station continually gets something wrong then you should have the commonsense to realize that they may not be telling you the truth, and therefor you should pick another station, or just not watch the news at all.
When we finally get to the bottom of who was behind this horrific event we will finally know which news outlets were trying to cover the facts, and which were trying to push White House policy. I will reiterate that Islam is not a religion of peace and never has been, and this latest attack proves that being nice (like Obama) and playing patty cake with them does not stop them in their mission. Keep your prayers up for our President and everyone else on this planet that sanity would reign. God bless!
By Jeffrey Brandon Lee
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