Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Where Are the Men of Courage and Valor?
Once every generation or so something begins to stir in the soul of Mankind. Each man and woman knows this stirring on an individual level, but as each chooses their path in this temporal life a greater force begins to build in the world as a whole. 'It' may at first manifest itself in a difficult situation which requires a person to reflect on the consequences of their decision. An an inner prompting deep within them asks, "Is this right? Why do I pause before undertaking this?". Some choose to listen and follow the logical steps that lead to a correct decision, but others think of the gratification and ease of the other choice and choose to purposely erect a wall to evade their conscience. These two examples of individual choice, if continued, lead down very different and distinctive paths. The former evolves into not just a concern for the person themselves, but for society as a whole. Decisions are made only after careful reflection and consideration. Typically, these choices are tough and require a sacrifice of the individual making the decision. In a sense they have transformed into a 'new creature' that has learned to truly love their fellow man. The fullness and satisfaction they find by living such a sacrificial life is far more gratifying than the momentary pleasures of a selfish decision. Let us now return to the latter example and the walling off of one's conscience. This person begins their journey with an amoral attitude that views the world as not consisting of right or wrong, but only as a vehicle to search for and engage in the next act or indulgence which gratifies them but for a moment. A long journey down this road often leads to anger, apathy, health issues, family problems, and eventually ultimate ruin. This article attempts to look at these two paths on a macro level and shed light on how when the moral tide begins to shift in the amoral direction man must stand up and with courage take a stand against the evil before him.
The United States is a perfect example of a country long down the road to perdition which is in desperate need of men and women with the moral courage to fight. Our country was founded by a generation of men of this type of courage who sought to overthrow the tyrannical (both spiritual and economic) domination of the British Empire. Bloody battle after bloody battle taxed the soul of every American, but in the end our liberty was won by the courageous sacrifice of common farmers and laborers. We were able to thrown off the greedy yoke of the English monarch and establish a system which guaranteed our religious and personal freedoms. Again in World War I & II a generation faced Fascism, Socialism (NAZI), and later Communist foes. The men and women of America and many other brave 'Christian' countries stood in the face of evil and defeated our foes. The Germans, Italians and other Axis powers were not always this way, and in fact were stoutly religious countries at one point in their history. But they suffered from what I believe America is suffering from currently. For nearly two centuries this tide of Christian courage and morality has for the most part led our country to become a beacon of light to those of the world, but the last half decade has seen the tide reverse itself and now we find ourselves once again on the precipice of disaster and we must again stand and fight the way God leads our conscience.
Beginning with the 1960's our nation began to choose the example given above of the person who chooses self and pleasure over the God given conscience. This generation chose to swing the pendulum drastically in the direction of an amoral society which embraces and accepts anything and everything that is pleasing. For over five decades this slow gradual decline of morality, couching it in the phrase 'personal freedom', has in actuality eroded many of the freedoms we once had. Immorality is the new morality and all voices to the contrary are silenced. We are now, as is the majority of Western society, weakened morally to the extent we are unable to face evil because the simple fact is many have no idea what evil is anymore. This is at the heart of the problem we now face.
Islam is an evil cancer that is rapidly infecting our planet, but people either don't have the moral courage to say it, or they have been corrupted morally to a point where right and wrong have been confused. For example, many news organizations such as CNN and MSNBC would have you believe that radical Islam is only 10% of their faith. This is erroneous just based on the teachings of the Koran, but if in fact that is the case that means there are 150 million Islamic Jihadist around the globe. 150 million men and women who believe the same as ISIS, Hamas, Islamic Brotherhood, and Al Qaeda, and they are determined to end the life of all who do not submit to Islam. It also reflects that 150 million people believe it is okay to cut off the head of a 9 year old girl, crucify Christians, butcher all who stand in their way and they seem to be gaining momentum in the very cities they commit such atrocities. These countries have long given themselves over to the immoral belief in the violent religion of Islam, but there is hope for us and for some in these countries who still contain an aspect of morality in their soul.
So what do we do? First, we need to be the generation that turns the tide in America and Western society as a whole. There is a great need for revival to sweep through the land. Although it appears this may be the end of days, and some may feel like there is no point, we are required to live godly lives until the end. Second, we must have the moral courage to face certain truths and take a stand. If we know deep down that abortion and homosexuality are wrong, than say so. Don't do this in a hateful way, but as Christ would, full of love and compassion. This will lead those astray to repentance. Thirdly, and most difficultly, we must stand up and fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. Jesus said there may come a time when we need to trade our plows in for swords, and this may be the time. There are literally millions of Christians and Jews around the world be murdered by Muslims, but most don't know because the media is soft on Islam. We need to fight this force with force. The Bible says there is no greater love than for one to lay down his life for his brother. Our brothers and sisters are dying around the planet, but yet we watch American Idol or The Voice and pretend it isn't happening, but it is. If you can do anything, than hit your knees and pray for revival, our Christian brothers and sisters, and for Muslims to see the light of Christ.
By Jeffrey Brandon Lee
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Political Correctness Will Lead to Sharia Law in America
Take for instance the LGBT community and all the strides they've made in gaining equal status for themselves and their partners. They are disproportionately represented in all aspects of the media, which is where many people get their information about life in general. Even this protection isn't at the root of the problem, in fact the majority of Americans are completely accepting of their lifestyle and have no qualms with them uniting in marriage. The problem is the pendulum has swung too far in their direction. Now people who do not agree with their lifestyle are forced to resign or are fired from their jobs for their differing beliefs. Now their voices are being threatened inside their own houses of worship!
The LGBT community was used as an example because they are the most vocal and feel the most deprived of their rights. If a person in America says 'I think homosexuality is wrong.', what is the typical response? 'You're a hater.' 'You're homophobic.' 'You're closed minded.' Your voice is silenced as you're made to feel like some vile hate filled creature that hates anyone different from yourself. This is where Islam comes into play.
The sad reality is we as Americans have forgot what right and wrong are. Our moral compass points whichever way the media tells it to, and when we do see something obviously evil...we are afraid to speak up and take a stand for fear of verbal retribution. Our President has helped promote this mindset with the constant backing of rebels who turn out to be radical Islamic groups. Most Americans have no idea who the good or bad guys are, or if their are any good guys, and all the President says is 'We need to find a diplomatic solution to this problem.'. One thing the Western world needs to understand as Islam invades our homelands is that a grown man who can take child after child and cut their head off and scream in delight cannot be diplomatically dealt with. Evil must be faced with the force of good and stopped. But I fear our spineless politicians and politically correct citizens would rather bow to Islam than fight for truth and good.
Jeffrey Brandon Lee
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
US Foreign Policy Under the Current Administration
interesting questions about Obama's foreign policy. There
doesn't seem to be a cohesive nature to any of his actions.
It appears that he only 'reacts' to events, and then when he
reacts, he doesn't seem to think the situation all the way
through. Some of the stances of this government are just so
off kilter that some may sense something sinister behind his
actions. That aside, the novice foreign policy displayed by
this President has left the world on the precipice of disaster.
Take for example the President's handling of Egypt
during the 'Arab Spring'. He supported the coup d'etat that ended Mubarak's reign in Eygpt
and brought to power the Muslim Brotherhood. This precipitated the killing and persecution of
Christians, and what was Obama's response? To continue the $1.5 billion in military aid to
Egypt's new radical leaders. Recently, Sisi was elected to take over power in Egypt and
Obama responded by holding up military aid because according to Yahoo's Dmitri Zaks,
'Russia has jumped at the chance to grab a bigger slice of the Egyptian arms market after the
United States suspended some of its weapons deliveries in the wake of Sisi's crackdown on
the former Islamic government last year.'. Why would we hold up arms shipments to a leader
who is cracking down on radical Islam? A nation that is also fighting with our 'ally' Israel
against the Palestinian tunnels (but you won't hear that on the news). Now Russia is stepping
to fill the gap and providing $3 billion in military weaponry and forging an alliance with the new
Egyptian leader.
during the 'Arab Spring'. He supported the coup d'etat that ended Mubarak's reign in Eygpt
and brought to power the Muslim Brotherhood. This precipitated the killing and persecution of
Christians, and what was Obama's response? To continue the $1.5 billion in military aid to
Egypt's new radical leaders. Recently, Sisi was elected to take over power in Egypt and
Obama responded by holding up military aid because according to Yahoo's Dmitri Zaks,
'Russia has jumped at the chance to grab a bigger slice of the Egyptian arms market after the
United States suspended some of its weapons deliveries in the wake of Sisi's crackdown on
the former Islamic government last year.'. Why would we hold up arms shipments to a leader
who is cracking down on radical Islam? A nation that is also fighting with our 'ally' Israel
against the Palestinian tunnels (but you won't hear that on the news). Now Russia is stepping
to fill the gap and providing $3 billion in military weaponry and forging an alliance with the new
Egyptian leader.
With Russia ignoring the UN warning to not bring in humanitarian aid, the massacre in Syria
and Iraq (with Obama breaking his promise and sending in troops), Isis' leader claiming to be
the 12th Imam, China and North Korea flexing their muscles, and Obama allowing a flood of
illegals (including MS13 gang members and scores of people on the watch list)...how long will
Obama believe that diplomacy is the only option when dealing with madmen? Our country
needs a President, and not someone perpetually on vacation.
Jeffrey Brandon Lee
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