Has anyone been looking for a full time job in the United States recently? Any luck? I didn't think so. With Obamacare looming on the horizon, companies are refusing to hire people full time so as to avoid the large increase in health insurance expenditure. Many in Obama's own government know the plan is flawed beyond repair, but instead of repealing it, Obama exempts most government employees at the top level and 1200 large corporations. Who is not exempt? You and I. If we do not acquire the necessary insurance we will be fined by the government. So is this really the 'free' healthcare you thought you were going to get?

The reality is there are only a certain amount of doctors in the country, and just because you say everyone should receive care it does not change the numbers of doctors available. It's basic line theory once again. I like to use the example of there being one McDonald's in a city and no other options, and suddenly the owner says 'All meals are free.'. What would be the outcome? You would see cars lined up for blocks to get their 'free' meal, but in the end many would wait so long they would starve to death. Our country does offer emergency service to anyone who needs it, but even in a pay for service medical system, there are not enough doctors and people die in waiting rooms. So if you suddenly allow everyone who has a cold to rush to the doctor for free, how long do you think you will be waiting? Maybe the government will force hundreds of thousands of people to go to medical school, but is forced labor an answer?
The reality is that Obama and his big government cohorts want, Republican and Democrat alike, is for many to just pay the fine and go without the insurance, because that increases tax revenue. They understand that many young people will just opt to pay the fine because they don't plan on getting sick, but that only means that the few that do get really sick will be sitting in the same waiting room as before, only they will have paid a fine and the government will have padded its pockets. Wake up people. If it sounds to good to be true...
By Jeffrey Brandon Lee
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