How must it feel to be an Israeli? Going all the way back to the Roman Empire, the Jewish people have been hated and despised for their way of life and devotion to one God. There has been a constant attack on their people in an effort to exterminate them. Why? Is it because they were chosen by God as His people? Whatever the reason for the hatred, we as Christians and human beings need to put it to a stop!
Muslim nations that surround this small country are constantly plotting how to snuff out the Jewish people, and we as Americans have now decided we don't care. Some even go so far as to call Israel a terrorist nation! How absurd can one be. If our nation was constantly having rockets fired upon us I doubt we would ignore them and just go about our day. In fact, we were attacked by Muslims once and we took it so personally that we invaded and conquered two nations in quick order. So what's the difference? Are we so afraid of not being politically correct that we can't just call Islam what it is, a violent religion?
As Christians all we have to do is open the Bible and go to the Old Testament and it states clearly that the descendants of Ismael will be in constant conflict with their neighbors. Muslim nations are the descendants of Ismael. God also states, who is not for Israel, is against God! So it's clear where our loyalty should lay, with Israel. Does that mean we go and destroy all Muslim nations? By no means! We need to pray for them to see the truth in the salvation of Jesus Christ and continue to fully support Israel in its sovereignty. The current administration needs to stop providing Saudi Arabia and other Islamic nations with fighter jets and start to repair and strengthen our relationship with our Israeli brothers. When God does return it would be nice to be on the right side of history. God bless and keep Israel in your prayers!
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