Saturday, December 29, 2012

My Grace is Sufficient!

     Grace is a word that Christians around the world are finally starting to embrace and practice.  Martin Luther was one of the great Christian historical figures who expounded on what the difference was between Grace and the Law.  His ideas on the true meaning of Grace were so earth shattering they nearly cost him his life.  Sadly, after a couple of hundred of years the church reverted back to hell, fire, and brimstone preaching.  Erroneously thinking that this was the way to get a person saved and have their heart truly changed.
     The preachers who did attempt to preach that Grace was a new law and that believers were no longer under the Mosaic Law were condemned as heretics.  Their detractors would use the arguments that if one no longer has to keep the Law then they will sin even more.  To the person who is acting in the flesh and using its' reasoning this would appear to be true, but when someone is under Grace it produces something far different.
     Paul repeatedly taught that Grace would allow the Laws of God to be written on our hearts, and that attempting to live according to the Law to gain salvation would mean that Christ' death was in vain.  If most of us are honest we have compared our lives to what the Law requires, but where does that lead us?  Usually, it leads us to feeling condemned and guilty, not worthy of a Savior like Jesus Christ.  But the Bible says there is NO guilt or condemnation in Christ Jesus!  So what do we do with this wonderful gift of Grace?  When you finally embrace how God sees you, through the blood of His Son, you're able to confess your sins and let the wonderful blood of Jesus continually cleanse you.  Instead of going out and sinning more, your realization of His love for you causes you to follow His ways out of love, and not to earn salvation.  So when you do find yourself feeling guilty or condemned, and past the place where you think God can forgive you, remember He loved you so much that He gave His Son so that you could stand boldly before Him as His beloved child.  This boldness will give you the strength to overcome any obstacle in your life.  God Bless!

Jeffrey Brandon Lee

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