Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The True Purpose of the Islamic Faith: Submit or Die!

     In the aftermath of the attacks in Boston it's important to take another look at Islam and what its true stated goal in the world is.  Many who have never studied the religion claim that the religion is a religion of peace, but that is far from the truth.  All one has to do is look at the history of the religion and its spread through conquest and murder.  It is no surprise that when you look at the Bible and trace Islam back to its roots (Ishmael), you will see that God said of his descendants, "He will be a wild donkey of a man, His hands will be against everyone, And everyone's hand will be against him."
     Throughout the history of the Middle East the Arabs (direct descendants of Ishmael) have been at war with their neighbors, and when Muhammad came onto the scene it made things far worse.  According to Bryant Wright in The Seeds of Turmoil, "Islam was founded by Muhammad and was originally seen by him not as a new religion but as a purification and completion of Judaism and Christianity that had been corrupted by man."  As Wright goes on to state, the Jews and Christians saw the error in his teachings and rejected them as false.  This rejection angered Muhammad and led him to eventually create his own religion and use the sword to persuade any that disagreed with his new belief system.  Anger and hatred have been at the heart of this false religion ever since.
     Modern Islam is still perpetrated through violence as Wright once again demonstrates in the following, "In light of history the Western world was foolish to conclude that a man like Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran was just a Muslim extremist when he said of Iran's revolution in 1979, "We will export our revolution throughout the world...until the calls, 'There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah's are echoed all over the world."  Or that Osama bin Laden was just an Islamic extremist when he said about the 9/11 terrorist attack, 'I was ordered to fight the people until they say there is no god but Allah."  We cannot close our eyes to what the true teachings of Islam are!
     As Christians we must love our enemies and keep them in prayer, that Jesus would deliver them from their deception, but the Bible also says that we must be wise as serpents and gentle as doves.  So we must keep our eyes open and never be afraid to call out evil when we see it, because if we fail to do so, it may overtake our nation and our people.  God bless and stay in prayer!

By Jeffrey Brandon Lee 

Monday, April 15, 2013

The AP Now Allowed to Say 'Terrorist'?

     With the horrible tragedy that occurred today in Boston, it is sickening to see the White House change course from its colossally ignorant policy of denying that terrorism exist.  Just a week after letting the Associated Press know that it was no longer appropriate to say 'Terrorist' or 'Islamic Terrorist', we experienced just how real the threat is (no matter what Obama thinks).  My heart goes out to the families of the those who have died and the others who have been hurt!  I will pray for you.
     As for the White House, when will our government wake up to the threat that is Islam?  There are over 1.5 billion Muslims on this planet, and according to the government, only 10% of those are extremist.  That means there are 150 millions Muslims that are hell bent on destroying our society and way of life.  This subject has been infected by the disease of political correctness to where now some of our citizens have paid with their lives.  In the meantime our government is supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and other terrorist governments.  It would be no surprise if the government tries to spin this event as the work of a 'lone wolf' or 'evangelical extremist', but whatever the case, we as Americans need to wake up to the discontent around the globe.  The Bible says in the end times there will be 'wars' and 'rumors of wars', so we should not be surprised about these events, but we should now be equally prepared.  Keep your eyes open for a power grab from the government, which happens in times of fear such as this.  I hope everyone continues in prayer, and continues to pray that our President will act with the wisdom of God!

By Jeffrey Brandon Lee

Gold & Silver Tanking? Or Big Money Manipulating?

     I want to start off this post by stating that I am not a financial adviser and before making any trades please consult your own financial adviser before making any moves.  With that said, let's look at some of the underlying reasons for this huge move to the downside in Gold and Silver, which are currently trading at $1366 and $23.70, respectively.  
     The biggest concern I have with such a huge move is that on Friday Goldman Sachs advised that they were going to be shorting Gold, which means they are betting huge that Gold will fall in price.  Typically, when a huge financial institution such as Goldman comes out and makes a statement such as this the market begins to sell off.  This fact alone can account for the majority of the move to the downside today, but is this a rational sell off?  I would say no!
     Historically, with prices adjusted for inflation, Gold never even came close to its all-time high of roughly $2100/ounce (according to a CNBC analyst) so the imagined bubble is not at all what it seems.  When you take a deep breath, and step back for a second, you can see that governments are still overspending to a huge degree, which devalues their currencies.  When a country's currency is devalued it naturally causes the value of commodities such as; Gold, Silver, and Oil to rise, as they have an intrinsic value.  What is going on over the last several days is the major players spooking the market.  Don't be surprised if people like George Soros, Goldman Sachs, and others sold at the top levels, and as they see the market tank they will be scooping up as much Gold as they can.  
     And as a side note, Silver is in such demand for its industrial uses that it seems absurd for its price to be dropping along the same lines as Gold.  Silver is used in the hundreds of millions of cellphones and laptops made, and I doubt that they will find another source to use in the manufacture other than silver in the near future.  Once again I would urge that you talk with your financial adviser before making and long term decision.  God Bless and keep your eyes open to the big picture!

By Jeffrey Brandon Lee