In the aftermath of the attacks in Boston it's important to take another look at Islam and what its true stated goal in the world is. Many who have never studied the religion claim that the religion is a religion of peace, but that is far from the truth. All one has to do is look at the history of the religion and its spread through conquest and murder. It is no surprise that when you look at the Bible and trace Islam back to its roots (Ishmael), you will see that God said of his descendants, "He will be a wild donkey of a man, His hands will be against everyone, And everyone's hand will be against him."
Throughout the history of the Middle East the Arabs (direct descendants of Ishmael) have been at war with their neighbors, and when Muhammad came onto the scene it made things far worse. According to Bryant Wright in The Seeds of Turmoil, "Islam was founded by Muhammad and was originally seen by him not as a new religion but as a purification and completion of Judaism and Christianity that had been corrupted by man." As Wright goes on to state, the Jews and Christians saw the error in his teachings and rejected them as false. This rejection angered Muhammad and led him to eventually create his own religion and use the sword to persuade any that disagreed with his new belief system. Anger and hatred have been at the heart of this false religion ever since.
Modern Islam is still perpetrated through violence as Wright once again demonstrates in the following, "In light of history the Western world was foolish to conclude that a man like Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran was just a Muslim extremist when he said of Iran's revolution in 1979, "We will export our revolution throughout the world...until the calls, 'There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah's are echoed all over the world." Or that Osama bin Laden was just an Islamic extremist when he said about the 9/11 terrorist attack, 'I was ordered to fight the people until they say there is no god but Allah." We cannot close our eyes to what the true teachings of Islam are!
As Christians we must love our enemies and keep them in prayer, that Jesus would deliver them from their deception, but the Bible also says that we must be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. So we must keep our eyes open and never be afraid to call out evil when we see it, because if we fail to do so, it may overtake our nation and our people. God bless and stay in prayer!
By Jeffrey Brandon Lee