One of the most humorous things you can do online these days is read a liberal columnist trying to come across as unbiased. Everyone would admit that the days of fair journalism are over, and that it's more important to play to your base than it is to be honest, but sometimes you have to scratch your head. Is it quite possible that both sides of the argument are wrong just a little bit of the time? Probably not, given they way they write and never once recant what they've said.
On yahoo today there was one such article by Daivd Bauder in which he makes comments such as, "Joe Scarborough must be doing something right to be attacked by both Paul Krugman and Mark Levin in the same month." What does that even mean? It's clear that to this so-called 'reporter' it's not truth that matters when someone is attacked, but rather making sure that one falls in the political middle. That's the whole problem with politicians on both sides of the isle in this day and age. Either you're far to the right, in order to catering to your base, or you're a centrist, trying to be the man for everyone, or you're far to the left, trying to be relevant to all the cooks out there. Take a piece of advice, take a stand for what you really believe and stop worrying about where you fall in the political spectrum.
Scarborough is a prime example of someone who isn't concerned with truth, but instead cares about what appeals to the masses. In the same article Scarborough is quote as saying, "I get so tired of people asking me whether we should be the moderate
party or the conservative party. I just want us to stop being the stupid
party." and "That's how I feel," he said. "It's really not so much about ideology as it is about good governance and tone." So what he's trying to say is that it's more important to be able to catch the American people's attention, than it is to have a solid base of morals and beliefs. It is also amusing to claim that Scarborough could possibly be a conservative, while at the same time working for the White House's mouth piece MSNBC. Come on journalist, does your craft really mean so little to you these days? Are you just a hired mercenary paid to take out the political opposition without any regard to truth or ideology?
In this day and age I would be much more comfortable with a writer stating 'I am a liberal and here is what I think', or 'I'm a conservative and this is my point of view on the matter'. Instead we are left up to our own devices to try and disseminate what is truth from lies, and then come up with our own opinion. I pray that truth reigns someday soon!
By Jeffrey Brandon Lee