I ponder the following query this evening. Primarily my existence and the perceivable outside universe as it relates to my cognitive understanding of it. Is my conscious experience of time and matter merely a creation of an active mind, disappearing once it leaves the 220 degrees of visibility possible by my eye, and once again coming into existence when I perceive that it should be there when I change the direction of my site? Consider, if any of you truly exist outside of my own mind, when you dream things you have never experienced before, these a' priori thoughts are troubling to explain. Does the subconscious mind have access to an alternative source of knowledge which would thus make these images a' posteriori. Returning to the idea of my mind being the source of all that I experience and all that exist, why am I unable to change things with just a thought or command? Let us, or only me, assuming you're all a figment of my mind and I am the only one who truly is a sentient being, return to the subconscious mind. I posit that the subconscious mind may be creating the reality for my conscious mind to experience. When I harbor feelings of dread, is this my subconscious mind sending a cognitive premonition of what it has planned for my future conscious mind to experience? So what truly controls this unbridled subconscious mind that has created all of you for my own mind to experience and enjoy and hate? Wait a minute! This is all B.S. because my subconscious mind would never have created Barack Obama lol.
by Jeffrey Brandon Lee
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