The election of the new Pope raises some interesting questions and also has brought to light the absurdity of the intelligentsia of the left media. Catholic priests, bishops, and cardinals have been mired in scandal, whether it be banking or child molestation. While these acts are horrific and terrible, they still represent a small minority of those who lead the Catholic faithful. Yet with these mistakes comes the barrage from the political, educational, and media elite asking that the church change its' stances.
With that said, what are the main ways in which the church is being asked to change? One of the main issues that the Catholic church is facing is its' beliefs about homosexuality. The left would argue that mankind has 'progressed' enough to where we can accept that homosexuality is no longer a sin, but just a different lifestyle one chooses to live. Since morals are chosen by the individual, according to their argument, then people should be able to live how they would like, and not only that, but the church should change its' stance on sin. This is where there's a huge deficiency in their understanding of the Christian faith. It's not something that changes over time, as people morals deteriorate, or something that can be hijacked by someone who doesn't even share the same faith, but a true believer in the Christian faith believes that the Bible is God's word and that it cannot be changed, and more so, that God does not change. Therefor, what was sin 2,000 years ago, is still sin today, and the Bible is very clear that for a man to lay with another man as he lays with a woman is an abomination to God.
The other issues that they seek to change is that of abortion and contraception. Once again the Catholic church takes the clear Biblical stance that both of these are not consistent with the teachings of the Bible. So as we watch the news following the conclave, please pray that those making the decision on the next Pope will put God first and not public opinion. If not, we may face a great period of judgement from God in light of our rebellion and the corruption of His church. With that said...Have a great day!
By Jeffrey Brandon Lee
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