Saturday, November 23, 2013

Quote of the Day: Martin Luther on Grace vs. the Law

Quote of the Day:
By Martin Luther
"But because they try to get the right of children and heirs by the righteousness of the law or by their own righteousness, they are slaves and never receive the inheritance, even though they tire themselves to death with continual labor, for they set about obtaining, by their own works rather than by the will of God, what God by mere grace gives to all believers for Christ's sake.  Faithful people also work well, but it is not by doing so that they are made sons and heirs (that is what their birth brings them); they do so in order that, being now made children and heirs, they might glorify God by their good works and help their neighbors."~Martin Luther's commentary on Galatians

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

When Life Goes Wrong...He Will Make It Right!

My plans are laid out, every part carefully thought over. I know what I want out of this life, and now it's my chance to get it. I begin the journey with a courage that borders on arrogance. Nothing can stop me! I pursue the glorious halls of knowledge with a voracious appetite, devouring every last morsel. I work and work until I reach that first goal...I walk to the podium and stretch out my hand to receive the document that claims I am educated. There is a distant emptiness that beckons as I suddenly feel loneliness, but I shake off the feeling and press on. Next step, find the love of my life and begin the process of building a family. With effort, I have achieved another goal! My soul rejoices as the achievements continue to stack up. Again there is that tugging at the corner of my mind and heart, but this time it is a familiar feeling. It is from a friend I have been conversing with throughout my life, but I don't have time right now because there is so much to do. I go out and become the entrepreneur I always felt I was meant to be, things are getting even brighter. Financial success is coming my way, and my head continues to grow as everything is going along perfectly. Then a mighty blow hits the economy and my plan, and again there is that calling that is now getting louder, but I put my head down even more determined to live the life I have planned. The business is now gone, and I have brought a life into this world that depends on me. I begin to listen to that still small voice that seems to be pleading with me, but I don't understand. I start a revised plan now, and this time it will work because I will try even harder! Things begin to turn around and I'm riding high again, basking in the glory of what I have achieved. I begin to enjoy the pleasures of this world, and I think I am full...Then the thunders begin to shake the heavens, and my life begins to crumble around me, but I will not let this happen. I was born to be victorious! I stand proud as everything is taken from me, my plan is going just as I had planned, or is it? Suddenly, my soul falters, and I'm exposed to my faults and weaknesses. I cry out in pain, and rebellion. How could this have happened to me? I had everything planned so perfect...I lie in a puddle of my own tears and look for the family that was chosen meticulously, but they are gone. I am alone and lost, the sand is washing away beneath me. I manage to stand defiantly and shake my fist at every perceived wrong and wrongdoer. I haven't learned and begin to plan again, but this time it will definitely work, because I have planned against those calamities that have happened before! Again the heavens shake and thunder, but with more ferocity than before. I look around in terror and fear, realizing that every physical possession is gone. I despair of life itself, and cry out to that still small voice, my soul being ripped apart...It is at this moment I wipe away the tears from my eyes and look up seeing a pierced wrist reaching down to help me up. As His hand grasps my own, my thoughts are flooded with memories of all the times He tried to guide my paths, but I stubbornly refused. He also shows me the times He carried me through times of grief, choosing to look past my selfish and sinful acts. I look at His eyes and my heart breaks. Not because of judgment, but because of the mercy and grace I see there. He lifts me to my feet and embraces me, and calls me son. Without a word, He begins to flood my mind again, but this time with purpose, His purpose. He shows me the humility that comes with being His child, and the promises He has for those that obey His commands. Again, He shows me the points in life where I should have come to Him for guidance and direction. My heart can no longer handle the guilt of the past. He turns to me and lifts my head to meet His eyes again. 'My grace is sufficient my son. I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future.' Love begins to poor through my heart and fill my spirit. He begins to rise to the clouds above and gently whispers 'I will never leave you nor forsake you, not even unto the end of the age.' With that He is gone, but I feel Him in my heart smiling at me. I turn to the future and the bridges that must be repaired and quietly say to myself 'I am ready Lord, guide me in the direction you wish.'

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Dark Night of the Soul

     What is the dark night of the soul?  This is a question asked by many when they hit the very bottom of life.  The point at which they question whether life is worth living at all.  You may cry out to all those around you and ask that they understand, and they do seem to relate, but in the end they do not really hear.  You cry out to God, but He also does not seem to hear...
     I heard a man in Colorado Springs recently call into to a local Christian radio station, his name was Paul, and his story had me in tears.  He had been married for 48 years to his childhood sweetheart, but she decided that she no longer loved him and decided that divorce was the best way.  Paul was destroyed and in tears, questioning his very existence.  The radio host was VERY accommodating and  provided needed resources, but that brings us to what I would like to discuss.  When I was listening I could hear the depth of the pain this man was feeling, I also heard the compassion the radio host was showing, but I also understood the grave choice that faced this man.
     When we face the dark night of the soul...our fellow Christians can offer platitudes, but most often they cannot relate.  I will say that there was one person who called in and asked that Paul call back and contact them and this man acted in Christ, but I want to say one thing.  In the end, when we face that deepest, darkest, most dreadful night...where we question our very must have courage!  When God finally takes everything from us, and we see no one in our corner, we stand face to face with our maker...Chose you that day who you will serve.  It s a hard choice, and the easy way is ever inviting, but have courage, and know that He will bring you through.  You will no longer need the friends to affirm you, you will know that you stood face to face with evil and accepted God's grace and His forgiveness.   

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Quote of the Day: Dante's, The Divine Comedy: Dante's Inferno

Quote of the Day:
Dante's The Divine Comedy

"And she to me.  "There's no greater sorrow
Than to be mindful of the happy time
In misery, and that thy teacher knows."

Canto V 

Government Shutdown: The Lies From Our President

     With a country that is entranced with shows like Jersey Shore and Two and Half Men, it is not surprising that we value the stand up comedian qualities of Obama, over his honesty.  I have never, in my lifetime, witnessed a man get away with so many untruthful statements.  The three I want to deal with briefly are; the influence of large corporations, deficit ceiling, and 'affordable healthcare'.
     Yesterday, Obama met with the heads of the 19 largest banks and investment banks in an effort to push them to pressure Republicans to cave on the government shutdown.  This is understandable, since 6 out of his top 7 campaign contributors were those very same companies.  Historically and Constitutionally I don't have a big problem with this kind of interaction, because you never want a government that is too far removed from the business sector, but I do have a problem with how the President spins it to the average American.  Today, Obama got up in front of a crowd and said that big corporations should not have a say in how government is run...What???  Wasn't he just using those same companies to get his way?  Blatant deception.
     The deficit ceiling is the most amusing of them all to this author.  The President stood in front of that same crowd and said that he had cut the deficit in half since he took office, but he has increased the debt twice as much as Bush did in 8 years, in just over 5.  I don't have a degree in Fuzzy Math, but I can still add.  That just isn't mathematically possible, and when he says he decreased it by the largest percentage in 60 years...well, when you have by far the largest deficit in history, and you cut it by even 30-40%, it is still the largest deficit in history, but it sounds great when you put it in percentage terms, which confuses the American public.  As far as the ceiling goes, do any of you readers actually believe that by increasing it another trillion dollars, that it won't increase our debt?  Obama proclaimed it was money we had already agreed to pay, but there is a problem with that statement, because the Democrats in the Senate have not approved a budget since Obama took office.  So how can we have agreed to this new debt, if we never even approved it with an act of Congress?  Another lie.
    Affordable healthcare is my favorite item.  Obama and the Democrats went nationwide touting that we would get 'free healthcare' for those that can't afford it, and that it wouldn't hurt the economy at all.  Is this an honest statement?  Not at all.  In fact, the people on the bottom rung are having their hours slashed to less than 30, and on top of that, they will be forced to pay $200-$300 month for one person to get health insurance, or pay an approximate $95 fine.  So not only are they losing money in wages, but they are being forced to pay more out of pocket.  Not very affordable.  Many people are not also aware that there are different tiers of service in this new program.  If you have money you can purchase a gold or silver plan, but if you're poor you have to purchase a bronze plan, which gives you less coverage and access to less services.  Sounds like the same system as before, only now the government controls it and they will get to decide what you're covered for or not.  Another outrageous lie.
     The sad part about our country today was trumpeted by Mark Levin yesterday, when he stated that out of 22 news articles on the government shutdown, not one was against the President.  He mentioned that not even in the Soviet Union would the press have been in the pocket of government to that extent.  So now we have a few small voices trying to save our union, but they're being drowned out by big liberal media, and soon we will go the way of the Soviet Union, where we no longer know if anything the news or government tells us is true or not, because they will be controlling its output.  Lastly, for those of you who like the idea of income equality...are you aware that under Obama the top 1% have seen their wages increase 300%, but the poor have seen theirs decrease 26%?  They controlled all of congress for two years, and have had control of 2/3 of the government for the last 3+.  And they blame Republicans, who have no power?  The reality is the Democrats are the new 'Landed Gentry' and they shout 'We Love the Poor.', but their laws weaken and make the poor more dependent on government, thus increasing their power.  Wake up America.

By Jeffrey Brandon Lee

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Beware of the New Pope!

     I have been watching and listening to some of the comments that the new Pontiff has made and it is very concerning.  I at one time believed that possibly the Vatican prophecy of the new Pope being the 'Evil Pope' was true, and now I am again in that line of thought.
     When he was elected we heard how conservative he was and how he was going to bring the church back to its roots, but the opposite has happened.  He has become the Pope of Pop Culture, and made comments asserting that the church has been too hard on 'Gay's, Abortion, and Contraception'...Ummm what?  So this man is pretending to be the voice of Christ on earth, and he says what?  That God is now contradicting himself, and has reversed His previous opinion on homosexuality as being an abomination, and now says it's okay.  Even the murder of helpless babies God is apparently for as well.
     The problem we see in this world today is that people are using media and popular pressure to press their own views, which make their own sin more palatable for themselves.  They know in their hearts that it is wrong, but if they can get enough people to buy into their twisted logic, they can sleep just a little better, but that will never satisfy their spirit.  Now, unfortunately, they have a fraud as a Pope backing their fallen theology.  God help us!

By Jeffrey Brandon Lee 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Sleeping On a Seething Giant: Employers Missing the Drive of Someone Who Has Failed In the Past

     Information and technology have such great influence on our careers today, but not all of it is good.  Many of us, in the real world, have come across hard times and it has left a blemish on our records, but may I ask a question of those who this has happened to?  Do you feel defeated, or more determined to succeed the next chance you get?  Most would say they feel more energized to not fail, but unfortunately a company runs your credit, looks at a failure, and makes the determination that you're no longer employable in any useful field.  Is this really a logical response to someone's failure?  I think not!
     Edison failed a thousand times in making the light bulb, but backers like J.P. Morgan and others chose to still believe in his passion.  Rockefeller was forced to take out loans to keep his initially risky venture going, and so did the likes of Carnegie and Ford .  So why is it now that we view hungry and aggressive talent, that has failed in the past, as not worth the chance?  The reality is these are the people we need to keep giving a chance!  They never give up, and keep pushing forward for the next opportunity, and will never give up on their dream until they breathe their last.
     Today we have become so enamored in technology, that we have forgotten the individual, and this has weakened us as a country.  When Rockefeller, Ford, and Carnegie went to banks for loans, the bank didn't pull a 'credit report' and then make a decision based on that, but rather they sat with the individual and listened, and if his business plan was sound and he could show that it would work, the bankers were more than happy to oblige.  They didn't look at a paper with a score and say 'Rockefeller, you seem to have overextended yourself in buying future oil contracts, and we cannot loan to you'...they heard the pitch and took the chance.  That is what made is great as a nation!

By Jeffrey Brandon Lee

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Whoa God! You Want Me To Go Through What?

     Do you ever feel like the challenge you're facing is just too much?  Is there ever the dark time where you question the goodness of God?  What some refer to as the 'Dark night of the soul' is a scary situation to find yourself in.  This author has been there on a few occasions, and to be honest, when I was in the thick of it I wondered if I would survive.  I would cry out to God asking 'why this?' or 'why that?', but I only heard silence in response.  I even became angry as I watched things crumble around me, at one point sleeping in my car, but I am hear to encourage you and to let you know that just because He is not answering you verbally, it does not mean that He is not moving in your life!
     To be very candid, I personally have had quite the eventful last three months.  My wife of 9 years left late in 2012 due to influence from her family, and took my now 3 year old son with her.  I strained and questioned God why, but He slowly, but surely, would lay reasons on my heart.  Part of them were me and things I needed to resolve, but others were hers and I needed to leave it up to God to deal with.  I spent months on my stomach praying for God to save my marriage, but at every corner I was met with accusation from my wife's family, and that own inner condemning voice pointing out what I could have done better.  No matter what I changed it was not enough, and that's when it dawned on me...Grace!  Jesus let me know that it wasn't if I could be perfect that would determine whether He loved me, but rather only by His grace can I be loved!  I wish I could say the story gets brighter from there, but that would not be honest of me.
     In May of 2013 I decided to take a leap of faith and move to California to be next to my son and try to save my marriage.  I spent two weeks in Southern California, where she said she wanted to live, looking for work and was able to land 2 jobs.  It was at this point that she said she wanted to stay in Northern California with her sister.  I was at a loss.  I was anxious to see my son and was willing to do anything to be near him.  So I packed my car and moved to Northern California with the agreement we would liquidate some savings to make it possible, but she failed to keep her end of the bargain.  I found myself now sleeping in my car for days being harassed by police and at times not eating.  I cried out to God and again asked why, but no answer.  Finally, I was able to land a job and rent a room from a very nice couple in the Antioch area.  Things were going well and I was able to see my son, warming my heart, and even was able to try to work on things with my wife, but she was still convinced that love needed to be earned.
     I was now established in a low paying job, but happy, and my wife decided she wanted to move back to Southern California to be near her mom, who had just come to visit.  She was not willing to wait for me to have enough to follow.  At this point I was so angry with God (how foolish), but our limited minds don't know how to process perceived injustice, so I just remained angry.
     During this whole point in time I had felt that God was asking me to move to Texas and leave the rest to Him, but I had been unwilling to listen.  So on my way down to Southern California I called my faith-filled Grandma and she advised me to follow what I felt the Lord was telling I did.  I took the small amount of money I had and told my wife that I was going to set up a place for us to live in Texas, and she was free to come if she wanted to.  She said she admired what I was doing, and things were great after that...not.
     I was living in a hotel room in a very bad area for two weeks, while I landed a job with Allstate Insurance, but the money began to run out.  The last night in Fort Worth I began to question whether I wanted to live, and whether God was truly good.  I began to think of myself as Job (without all the amazing faith).  4 times that last night people knocked on my door looking for drugs from some guy they thought would be there.  Needless to say I was not able to sleep that night.  The next morning I drove around in a daze wondering whether I ever did hear from God about moving to Texas.  I met with a close friend that night and we discussed me heading back to my family in Colorado, and felt it was the right option.  God still was silent.  I drove back to Colorado feeling completely defeated and full of failure.
     My older brother was gracious enough to let me stay in his house while I tried to turn things around.  It has been a struggle, but God has shown His love many times during this period, which I will now relate.  When I was in Northern California sleeping in my car, I went to the park one day and walked by a woman.  She called out, 'I just wanted you to know that God hears you, and sees what you're going through.'.  Why would a complete stranger say that?  She proceeded to tell me she was there because that was where she had met her ex husband who had divorced her for another woman a year before.  Also, when I was in the hotel the last night in Fort Worth, questioning whether I wanted to live, I watched a sermon that at that point in time was stating that God will NEVER give you more than you can handle without providing you with a way out...My brother had just offered me a place to stay as I was down to just over $200.  Within 2 weeks of returning I was able to get a part time job and solid leads on full time positions.  I also prayed that God would answer some specific prayers for finances that I knew were a necessity.  I asked God to lay it on someone's heart to help, because I was tired of feeling like a needy person.  Within a day my Grandma had sent me money to get me by.  
     The purpose of this article is to let you know to never give up, because God will always get you through.  It usually isn't the way we want, but to this day I see reasons He brought me through this, whether it be personal growth, or allowing others to be used by Him.  Just remember that a fool spurns reprove, but the wise man accepts discipline and learns.  He has such great things for us in this life and the next, but just remain strong!  It doesn't mean you won't fail horribly with temptation at times, but it does mean that He will always be there to pick you up and love you through it....even if it might not feel like love.  He will be those footprints in the sand that carry you to the finish line.

By Jeffrey Brandon Lee

Quote of the Day: Rockefeller's Inner Conflicts

Quote of the Day:

Ron Chernow

A couple of interesting insights into the inner conflict that was 'Rockefeller':

"To cope with excess production, many in Saginaw salt companies opted for cooperation and joined a cartel arrangement to try to prop up salt prices, providing a precedent for Standard Oil."-pg. 107 Titan
"It is deeply ironic that Rockefeller, a staunch temperance, got one of his most significant cash infusions from questionable gains in liquor." pg. 108 Titan

Read All About It: Get Your Part Time Job, Obamacare Is Coming!

     Has anyone been looking for a full time job in the United States recently?  Any luck?  I didn't think so.  With Obamacare looming on the horizon, companies are refusing to hire people full time so as to avoid the large increase in health insurance expenditure.  Many in Obama's own government know the plan is flawed beyond repair, but instead of repealing it, Obama exempts most government employees at the top level and 1200 large corporations.  Who is not exempt?  You and I.  If we do not acquire the necessary insurance we will be fined by the government.  So is this really the 'free' healthcare you thought you were going to get?
     The reality is there are only a certain amount of doctors in the country, and just because you say everyone should receive care it does not change the numbers of doctors available.  It's basic line theory once again.  I like to use the example of there being one McDonald's in a city and no other options, and suddenly the owner says 'All meals are free.'.  What would be the outcome?  You would see cars lined up for blocks to get their 'free' meal, but in the end many would wait so long they would starve to death.  Our country does offer emergency service to anyone who needs it, but even in a pay for service medical system, there are not enough doctors and people die in waiting rooms.  So if you suddenly allow everyone who has a cold to rush to the doctor for free, how long do you think you will be waiting?  Maybe the government will force hundreds of thousands of people to go to medical school, but is forced labor an answer?
     The reality is that Obama and his big government cohorts want, Republican and Democrat alike, is for many to just pay the fine and go without the insurance, because that increases tax revenue.  They understand that many young people will just opt to pay the fine because they don't plan on getting sick, but that only means that the few that do get really sick will be sitting in the same waiting room as before, only they will have paid a fine and the government will have padded its pockets.  Wake up people.  If it sounds to good to be true...

By Jeffrey Brandon Lee 

Quote of the Day: History Channel's 'The Men Who Built America's' Error

Quote of the Day:

Ron Chernow

"The biggest plum they dangled before Devereux was a promise to supply the Lake Shore with an astonishing sixty carloads of refined oil daily."-They being Rockefeller and his business partner.

According to the History Channel's series the men who negotiated the deal for sixty carloads was Rockefeller, Vanderbilt and Vanderbilt's son.  Make's you wonder what else they were inaccurate about.  Never trust, but always confirm!

Quote of the Day: Rome's Constantly Growing Government Spells Doom For US

Quote of the Day:
Jack Weatherford

Government Spending In Rome:

"Unable to stem the imperial decline with the army, the emperors organized and reorganized their imperial administrations, searching desperately for a formula to help them overcome the mounting problems confronting them.  They created more and smaller provinces, split the empire, and divided the job of ruler between an emperor and two or more caesars who acted as assistants or regional emperors.  Each change, however, added a new layer of administration to the hierarchy and created new regional and local capitals along with all the supernumeraries, palaces, temples, and other public buildings to which even regional capitals aspired.  Despite the constant stream of organizational reforms, officials were rarely cut from the public payroll; instead more were added.  According to the best available evidence, during the reign of Diocletian alone, the government bureaucracy may have doubled in size."

Sounds a little like our government and the fact that our national debt has doubled since Obama took office.

Quote of the Day: Communism, Equality, and Democrats

Quote of the Day:
James H. Billington

"First came the political ideal...Second came the emotional ideal...Finally came the intellectual ideal of creating a nonhierarchial socioeconomic community.  This was the rationalistic concept of equality: the collective sharing of goods within a community free of all social and economic distinctions."

Its ironic that Democrats want financial equality, but also want to place us all in social classes such as; black, white, Christian, atheist, or Mormon.  It is the age old failure of Communism.  When everyone feels entitled to equal consumption, why would they choose to work?  If I get the same paycheck for playing games as I do for building a house many will choose to stay home.  What Democrats really want, is to place us in their pre-defined roles, and with them in firm control all is well.  Do you ever wonder why the richest men in Congress are Democrat or 'Landed Gentry'?  It's because if they convince you your stuck in some economic situation, you will cease to be a threat to their wealth.

P.S.  While I searched on google for 'Pictures of Communism' I had to spell out every letter before google suggested 'Communism'.  Just a glitch right?

Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Coming American Indoctrination Into Islam

     Our nation is facing one of its biggest challenges, and the scary part is, we have no idea that it is happening. The media has bombarded us with abortion, gay rights, and protected the President from every scandal that has come up.  Now these topics all seem to be very relevant because of the time we are living in, but they're far less destructive than what is coming.  The ironic part is that the very people who promote gay rights, abortions, and gun control, are the very same people that will affected most by the coming change.
     For the last decade I have been warning of the coming influx of Islam into the United States, but many fail to pay attention.  Radical Islam is a very patient beast that seeks to win over decades and centuries, and not overnight.  It is carefully planned out and set into motion, with little thought to personal cost and sacrifice.  Determined warriors stand at our doorstep, waiting for the precise time to attack.  And that time may be fast approaching.
     Recently, we were notified that the million Muslim march was headed to D.C., but when we spoke up in outrage, they changed the name (not the purpose).  They are out to show us there is no need to fear Islam, and that they are friendly compassionate people, but the truth is much more insidious than that.  Al Jazeera is spending boat loads of money promoting their expansion in the United States, and we sit peacefully watching the slow creep of a ruthless killer.  Believe me, you won't turn on their network and see them saying 'Convert or Die!', it will be subtle and clever.  They will grab your attention with a catchy show and then the indoctrination begins as they methodically fill your mind with small 'truths' of Islam.  Before you know it, it begins to make sense to you and you find yourself agreeing more and more.  Now, I know this sounds a little outlandish, but 20 years ago would you have said 'Every show on T.V. will have at least one gay person on it, and I will be okay with it.'  Of course not!  It was slowly introduced over time until your senses were deadened to the sin and it became a part of your belief system.
     The tragic thing in all of this is that gays, abortion rights supporters, and liberals will be the first to fall under the sword if Islam.  There is a point at which being open minded is just plain dumb!  They will go to embrace Islam, and Islam will greet them back, just with the edge of a saber.  I urge people to see what the truth is behind this media onslaught on behalf of Islam.  Have faith in Christ, and fear NO ONE, but the Lord your God.  God, is a God of love, and not a vicious dictator bent on your blood.  He is a just God, so sin must be punished, but He offers us an easy way out, which is through the blood of one man, Jesus Christ.

By Jeffrey Brandon Lee