Dr. Ben Carson was heroic in his response to whether someone is born homosexual or not (could have chosen a different example). He used the example of why some people goes into prison 'straight' and then leaves 'gay'. Now this example left him wide open to criticism (although it was a very valid question), but he clearly stated their is no definitive scientific evidence that someone is born gay. Personally, I like to use the example of the media hero Jason Collins. Collins' is a genetically identical twin, but his brother is straight...how can that be if they were born with an identical set of genes? Putting that argument aside, I would like to return to Glenn Beck's comment that Dr. Carson is a 'lunatic' for believing people aren't born gay.
We all have something inside that guides us to do right or wrong, and only we can choose to listen. Our nation has slowly eroded in its morals out of a fear of offending, or being ridiculed for not getting in line with the 'enlightened' liberals. When someone does stand up for their beliefs and attempts to defend them, but the liberal media attacks them, many 'moral' Americans cower and clap, as if in agreement. I'll leave you with this, who in the end has to answer for their stance on morality?
By Jeffrey Brandon Lee