Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Few More Thoughts on Grace!

     As we grow in our Christian faith many questions can dominant our thoughts and hearts.  Although we are born again as new creatures in Christ, we are still living in the flesh and continue to battle against desires that fly in the face of our true spiritual nature.  Why do we still get angry, lust after others, or embrace greed?  Contemplating these shortcomings, frustration can set in as we feel as if we are failing God in some way, and are no longer deserving of His love or Salvation.  But this is not what or Lord and Savior Jesus Christ intended for us.
     Since the very beginning the Apostle Paul sought to assuage these fears with his preaching of Grace and Forgiveness.  He gave us comfort by confirming it is not by our works that we are saved, but by our faith in the sacrifice of God's only Son, Jesus.  When reading his letter to the church in Galatia, Paul rebukes the people for their falling prey to the false apostles that preached that you must not only have faith in Jesus, but also must keep the law in order to be justified.  Paraphrasing Paul, he went so far as to say, "If you seek to be justified by the law, then Christ died for nothing."  These chilling words must have struck deep into the heart of the Galatians as they contemplated their own faith.
     So does that mean when we accept Christ as our savior that we are free to sin as much as we want?  Paul exclaims, "Certainly not!".  So now we must attempt to understand what the difference is between doing what is right because of Grace, and doing what is right as an attempt at justification through the law.
     Martin Luther wrote the following on the subject, "When the apostle (Paul) says, Abraham, the man of faith, it is as if he is making a distinction between two Abraham's and saying there is a working Abraham and a believing Abraham.  We have nothing to do with the working Abraham, for if he is justified by what he does, he has something to rejoice about, but not with God.  The Jews may glory as much as they like about that ancestor who is circumcised and kept the law; we glory in the Abraham of whom the Scripture says that he received the blessing of righteousness through his faith, not only for himself but also for all those who believe as he did.  And so the world was promised to Abraham because he believed.  Therefor, all the world is blessed-that is, is credited with righteousness-if it believes as Abraham did."  When reading this carefully we see it is not what we do, but what we believe that accredits to us righteousness. 
     So now that we know that we were saved by faith in the Grace of God through the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, we seek to do what is right out of gratitude and reverence, not out of fear of the law.  Remember that Grace is undeserved favor.  You can do nothing to earn it!  All you must do is believe in Jesus and you will be saved.  So when you fall into temptation and sin, and feel that God is mad at you, remember He looks at you through the saving blood of His son Jesus.  You don't have to earn your way back into His favor and blessings, only believe.  God's arms are always open and eager to embrace the prodigal son that returns to his Father.  So when the devil tries to convince you that you have done too many evil things to be forgiven, remind him that you were saved by Grace and not by works, and that where Jesus is there you will be also!  God Bless, and live in the victory and love of Jesus.

Jeffrey Brandon Lee

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