Thursday, March 12, 2015

Glenn Beck: Poster Child For Those With No Backbone!

Image result for Dr. Ben Carson     I was a daily listener of Glenn Beck's for quite sometime now, and agreed with him on quite a few topics, but his display earlier this week regarding Ben Carson changed my opinion of him...I sensed something might be off in 2008 when he went after Mike Huckabee (who I don't care for), but there seemed to be a special vengeance he felt for the candidate and he went out of his way to destroy him.  While Beck severely disappointed me with his absurd opinion, it is indicative of our media and culture in general.  People of this nation were once allowed to voice their religious opinions without fear of retribution...times have changed.
     Dr. Ben Carson was heroic in his response to whether someone is born homosexual or not (could have chosen a different example).  He used the example of why some people goes into prison 'straight' and then leaves 'gay'.  Now this example left him wide open to criticism (although it was a very valid question), but he clearly stated their is no definitive scientific evidence that someone is born gay.  Personally, I like to use the example of the media hero Jason Collins.  Collins' is a genetically identical twin, but his brother is can that be if they were born with an identical set of genes?  Putting that argument aside, I would like to return to Glenn Beck's comment that Dr. Carson is a 'lunatic' for believing people aren't born gay.
Image result for Glenn beck     Beck claims to believe in the Bible, and often refers to the 'Holy Spirit' guiding every decision in His life.  Yet, in this instance he takes the liberal and unBiblical stance that people are born gay.  Not only that, he attacks a Christian man bold enough to take a stand for his beliefs and not bow to the pressure of media and politics.  This is the problem with our country now, you can have an opinion only if it is exactly what the liberal media and government want.  If you deviate from their 'script' you can put a fork in your career or campaign.  Dr. Carson was a beacon of light at that moment in time (who knows if he is strong enough to stand firm), and Glenn Beck is an example of a man caving to the pressure of media, government, and saving his new company.  
     We all have something inside that guides us to do right or wrong, and only we can choose to listen.  Our nation has slowly eroded in its morals out of a fear of offending, or being ridiculed for not getting in line with the 'enlightened' liberals.  When someone does stand up for their beliefs and attempts to defend them, but the liberal media attacks them, many 'moral' Americans cower and clap, as if in agreement.  I'll leave you with this, who in the end has to answer for their stance on morality?

By Jeffrey Brandon Lee

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