Friday, December 28, 2012

Stop Being A Victim And Blaming Others For Your Life!

     The worst state someone can find themselves in is one I found myself in recently, being a victim. While I had been in that state of mind for quite some time, I never realized it. What exactly is being a victim? What I would define a victim as is when someone begins to blame everyone else for what has happened in their life. After time it begins to define who you are as a person. It is your bestfriend that you hold onto tightly so that you don't have to look into the mirror and deal with what you have done. I think a lot of us can relate to this feeling. Whether your spouse left, or you left your spouse, didn't get the promotion at work, lost your house, or many other terrible things we go through in life. Instead of owning up to what our part in the situation was, we find justification in blaming the other spouse, our manager, the evil bank that gave us the mortgage. And once you let yourself head down that road you begin to blame everybody, including the devil, for what goes wrong in your life. Sadly, in time, you have changed your name to victim. Others know that is your name and they begin to avoid you because it is always a sob story of who wronged you. Whether you cry in your beer at night, or surround yourself with people patting you on the back confirming you were right to do what you have're still a victim.
     There is hope though! You can wake up out of the storm of pity that surrounds you. It happened for me when I took time to think of Jesus dying on the cross. I thought about what it meant and what it cost! The intellectual knowledge of the word began to seep into my heart and my eyes were opened. When He bore the weight of the world on the cross He took away every right I had to be mad or hold a grudge against somebody. I had no right to blame or point fingers. I had only one right and that was to forgive! Not only others, but myself as well. It gave me the courage to look in the mirror and own up to what I had done in life, and then let His grace and forgiveness wash over me. I began to look in the mirror and realize that I am not a victim and I'm not condemned...I am a victor in Christ. I no longer had to sit back and let the worries and hardships of life attack me...I can go out and happen to life! Be the man God made me to be with no regret or fear. I could see myself how God sees me, through the blood of His son, white as snow. I hope this short admission can help others to live victoriously in the Christ!
Jeffrey Brandon Lee

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