Saturday, March 7, 2015

UCI Banning of the US Flag and the Destruction of the Nation State

Image result for UCI bans flag     The problem with erosion is that most of the time it can't be seen and takes places over decades or longer.  Take for instance, termites (a form of erosion through destruction), the outside home or building look strong, but it is slowly being eaten away until what's left is only a shell of its former self.  I use this analogy to address the topic of what recently transpired on the University of California, Irvine campus (sadly a campus I attended for one quarter before transferring to UCR).
     The school has voted that the American flag can no longer be flown in the lobby of the campus.  And according to Breitbart, "The language of the bill claims that flags “construct cultural mythologies and narratives that in turn charge nationalistic sentiments,” and further charges that “flags construct paradigms of conformity and sets homogenized standards for others to obtain which in this country typically are idolized as freedom, equality, and democracy.” Guevara’s resolution goes further on to say that “freedom of speech, in a space that aims to be as inclusive as possible, can be interpreted as hate speech.”.  So now the American flag is considered hate speech on a campus that receives funding from that same country!
     I bring up this example to briefly touch on a much larger subject, and that is the destruction of the Nation State (eliminating individual countries in the advancement of a global government).  This unfortunately is not in the least bit a conspiracy.  This author is working on a Master's degree from the most prominent Political Science program in the nation, The Maxwell School.  Required reading demands the reading of United Nations proposals and agendas, and what is casually regarded as scholarly reading is actually quite scary.  Whether it be Agenda 21, or Bush's 'Trilateral Commission', or the simple statement on our dollar 'Novus Ordo Seclorum' (New World Order)...the United Nations have been trying to destroy the borders of every country.  How?
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     One very clever way is to slowly erode a people's belief in their own nations character and history.  The United States is a key example.  Over the last 80-90 years the Progressive, or Democratic Party, has been trying to convince the Nation that our founders, fiscal leaders, and prominent figures were evil and consumed with greed and racism.  There are virtually no facts to back this up, unless you look at the Democratic Party's history, but that is not the point of this article.  Slowly, but surely, our leaders are eroding our faith in our nations greatness, and this is happening in other countries as well.  It starts with the banning of the flag, just as a termites first bite, and then before you know it our nation is a shell of what it once was.  Sadly, we are already a shell of who we once were.  10 years ago I wrote a rebuttal to a UN article 'The Destruction of the Nation State'...Might be a interesting read considering how long ago the UN was being bombarded with this ideal.

By Jeffrey Brandon Lee


Friday, March 6, 2015

A Little Conspiracy Can Be Fun At Times: Obama's 3rd Term

Image result for pictures of obama     I have been watching the news over the last few weeks and I came to one of many conclusions.  This is purely for you to draw your own conclusions.  I have seen many conspiracy theories of an Obama 2016 run for a third term as President of the United States.  He would have to hurdle the 22nd Amendment, but then again, he has hurdled many other Constitutional limitations.  I don't want to get into the 22nd Amendment too deeply, as there is a clause that would allow a third term based on 3/4 support from Congress.  I would like to look at what's transpiring with Hillary Clinton.
     Many major Democratic supporters realize that Clinton is the only viable Presidential candidate that they have, Biden?, yeah sure, Gore possibly.  So as the momentum was beginning to gather for Clinton's 2016 push...suddenly the fact that she used a personal server gets out, which was in direct violation of a law Obama imposed.  It's not that this information got out, but it is who leaked it...the New York Times.  The New York Times is an extremely liberal newspaper that supported the Clinton's while they were in office, and has carried the water for Obama ever since.  Why would they sacrifice the next great hope of the Democratic Party?  Yes, there have long been differences between the Obama's and Clinton's and they obviously do not like each other, but why serve up for the slaughter your former Secretary of State?
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     The liberal media is pulling out its hair trying to figure out what will happen if Hillary's campaign ends.  They have no other viable options to present to the American public that could potentially defeat the Republican nominee (which may be no better), or do they...If enough scandals are leaked on the Clinton's, including the newest sex scandal with Bill, and Clinton is deemed unelectable...What are the Democrats to do?
     In steps a 'humble' Obama, willing to save the Democratic Party by running for a third term (perhaps against an unelectable Jeb Bush, or Chris Christie), which he 'has no desire' to do.  The media fawns over the reborn 'savior' and does all it can to turn the American public in his favor in an attempt to install a new dictator.  As I said, this is conspiracy theory to be enjoyed, but also considered.  We have a President that has destroyed the balance of power between the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government...What would stop an executive order granting a third term, say if we were involved in a serious war, as FDR did.  Enjoy any discussion this may bring up.

By Jeffrey Brandon Lee

Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Truth Behind the Christian Crusades: Protect the Innocent and End Islam's Dominance

     Many in the West have been misled as to the true reason for the Christian Crusades, and tend to view Islam as an innocent victim of European conquest.  This indoctrination can only be unwound by a careful study of Islam prior to the Crusades.  Although this work is in no means an exhaustive look into the past, it will attempt to give an overview of the time and what was transpiring.
Image result for pictures of muhammad islam     Islam has long been called a religion of peace, which proves if you keep repeating something long enough, eventually people will believe it.  The truth is Islam and its spread was based in war and the spilling of blood.  As Bryant Wright states, "Lewis went on to note that in the eighth century, Muslims conquered Spain and Portugal.  It was truly a religion on the move.  In their minds, these continued conquests reinforced the Superiority of Islam.  They continued on and invaded France, and, as I shared in chapter 1, if France had not turned back the Muslim onslaught in AD 732, most of Europe and eventually North and South America could have easily been dominated by the Muslim Faith."  Charles Martel's great victory saved Europe, but never stopped the Muslims belief in a worldwide Caliphate and dominance of Islam.
     Long before the Christian Crusades, the Muslims were Massacring any who would not submit to Islam.  In AD 633 Khalid al-Walid, whom Muhammed named 'The Sword of Allah', captured the city of Ullay's (todays Iraq) and beheaded so many people that the canals ran full with blood.  Muhammed led his Muslim forces to 66 straight victories in his murderous spread of Islam.  At one point the Muslims even sacked Rome herself.
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     Constantinople had long been the Eastern Empires capital for Christendom, but it, Jerusalem and other Christian cities in the Middle East were coming under attack by Muslims and desperately needed help from the Western Empire based in Rome.  So the main purpose for the Crusades (allowing that some acted in error of the original purpose) was to protect Christian pilgrims, save Constantinople, and retake Jerusalem. 
     Yes, some Crusades went astray from the original purpose, but that does not change the fact that it was a defensive move against the onslaught of Islam.  The peaceful religion of Islam was eventually able to sack and take Constantinople and rename it Istanbul, and at the end of one Crusade the Muslim leader in Egypt had every Christian beheaded before him, while he ate lunch...that is all the Christians who couldn't pay the bribe.  I hope this very brief article sheds light on the true conquest nature of Islam.

By Jeffrey Brandon Lee

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Obama, ISIS, Israel and Oil

     The current Administrations foreign policy has puzzled many experts, because what Obama says and does seem to be two completely different things.  He is repeatedly heard vowing the United States support for Israel, but every action he takes weakens the Jewish nation.  If you look at just one area of Democratic policy, oil, you can see the contradiction and possibly intentional betrayal of our ally Israel
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     It is widely known that Muslim nations are desperately dependent on the price of oil, and ISIS uses oil as its main source of revenue to promote terror.  The Saudis are fierce adversaries of ISIS, but fund their own form of terrorism, and have tried to drive down the price of oil to destabilize the Shiites (ISIS and Iran).  US production is now at 9.3 million barrels a day, and when you include inventories on hand and OPEC's stance on production, you had the drastic drop in oil to the low $40's/barrel.  So what was Obama's response to this desperately needed relief to the American poor and middle class?  He vetoed the Keystone oil pipeline, which his own environmental organization said would be less harmful to the environment than his major donor Warren Buffett's trains.  Not only that, but according to CNN Obama has blocked a major source of oil in Alaska, in effect declaring war on Alaska, as oil is their lifeblood. 
Image result for pictures of ISIS     The effects of these decisions have caused oil to pop above $50/barrel.  This helps oil inch nearer Market Watches fiscal break even for Iran of a whopping $131/barrel, who we now know Obama has been in secret talks with to build nuclear power since 2014.  There is a reason Obama has always stated that he wants oil prices high, and it's not because of the environment!  According to a Kuwaiti newspaper, Obama even went as far as telling the Israelis if they attacked Iran the US would shoot down their planes with drones.  
     There is one problem Obama and the Democrats are going to have a hard time avoiding.  The United States has over 414 million barrels of oil in storage and the investors are running out of places to store it.  They're resorting to storing it in salt mines and train cars.  According to one CNBC analyst they will run out of places to store it sometime next week.  This will require producers to sell it right out of the well and drive prices drastically lower.  So be on alert for some sort of international crisis or government intervention to attempt to prop up oil prices.  We can win the war against ISIS and Russia in the short term by driving prices as low as possible.  This will help Israel have time to prepare for the inevitable. 

By Jeffrey Brandon Lee