Sunday, August 25, 2013

Quote of the Day: History Channel's 'The Men Who Built America's' Error

Quote of the Day:

Ron Chernow

"The biggest plum they dangled before Devereux was a promise to supply the Lake Shore with an astonishing sixty carloads of refined oil daily."-They being Rockefeller and his business partner.

According to the History Channel's series the men who negotiated the deal for sixty carloads was Rockefeller, Vanderbilt and Vanderbilt's son.  Make's you wonder what else they were inaccurate about.  Never trust, but always confirm!

Quote of the Day: Rome's Constantly Growing Government Spells Doom For US

Quote of the Day:
Jack Weatherford

Government Spending In Rome:

"Unable to stem the imperial decline with the army, the emperors organized and reorganized their imperial administrations, searching desperately for a formula to help them overcome the mounting problems confronting them.  They created more and smaller provinces, split the empire, and divided the job of ruler between an emperor and two or more caesars who acted as assistants or regional emperors.  Each change, however, added a new layer of administration to the hierarchy and created new regional and local capitals along with all the supernumeraries, palaces, temples, and other public buildings to which even regional capitals aspired.  Despite the constant stream of organizational reforms, officials were rarely cut from the public payroll; instead more were added.  According to the best available evidence, during the reign of Diocletian alone, the government bureaucracy may have doubled in size."

Sounds a little like our government and the fact that our national debt has doubled since Obama took office.

Quote of the Day: Communism, Equality, and Democrats

Quote of the Day:
James H. Billington

"First came the political ideal...Second came the emotional ideal...Finally came the intellectual ideal of creating a nonhierarchial socioeconomic community.  This was the rationalistic concept of equality: the collective sharing of goods within a community free of all social and economic distinctions."

Its ironic that Democrats want financial equality, but also want to place us all in social classes such as; black, white, Christian, atheist, or Mormon.  It is the age old failure of Communism.  When everyone feels entitled to equal consumption, why would they choose to work?  If I get the same paycheck for playing games as I do for building a house many will choose to stay home.  What Democrats really want, is to place us in their pre-defined roles, and with them in firm control all is well.  Do you ever wonder why the richest men in Congress are Democrat or 'Landed Gentry'?  It's because if they convince you your stuck in some economic situation, you will cease to be a threat to their wealth.

P.S.  While I searched on google for 'Pictures of Communism' I had to spell out every letter before google suggested 'Communism'.  Just a glitch right?

Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Coming American Indoctrination Into Islam

     Our nation is facing one of its biggest challenges, and the scary part is, we have no idea that it is happening. The media has bombarded us with abortion, gay rights, and protected the President from every scandal that has come up.  Now these topics all seem to be very relevant because of the time we are living in, but they're far less destructive than what is coming.  The ironic part is that the very people who promote gay rights, abortions, and gun control, are the very same people that will affected most by the coming change.
     For the last decade I have been warning of the coming influx of Islam into the United States, but many fail to pay attention.  Radical Islam is a very patient beast that seeks to win over decades and centuries, and not overnight.  It is carefully planned out and set into motion, with little thought to personal cost and sacrifice.  Determined warriors stand at our doorstep, waiting for the precise time to attack.  And that time may be fast approaching.
     Recently, we were notified that the million Muslim march was headed to D.C., but when we spoke up in outrage, they changed the name (not the purpose).  They are out to show us there is no need to fear Islam, and that they are friendly compassionate people, but the truth is much more insidious than that.  Al Jazeera is spending boat loads of money promoting their expansion in the United States, and we sit peacefully watching the slow creep of a ruthless killer.  Believe me, you won't turn on their network and see them saying 'Convert or Die!', it will be subtle and clever.  They will grab your attention with a catchy show and then the indoctrination begins as they methodically fill your mind with small 'truths' of Islam.  Before you know it, it begins to make sense to you and you find yourself agreeing more and more.  Now, I know this sounds a little outlandish, but 20 years ago would you have said 'Every show on T.V. will have at least one gay person on it, and I will be okay with it.'  Of course not!  It was slowly introduced over time until your senses were deadened to the sin and it became a part of your belief system.
     The tragic thing in all of this is that gays, abortion rights supporters, and liberals will be the first to fall under the sword if Islam.  There is a point at which being open minded is just plain dumb!  They will go to embrace Islam, and Islam will greet them back, just with the edge of a saber.  I urge people to see what the truth is behind this media onslaught on behalf of Islam.  Have faith in Christ, and fear NO ONE, but the Lord your God.  God, is a God of love, and not a vicious dictator bent on your blood.  He is a just God, so sin must be punished, but He offers us an easy way out, which is through the blood of one man, Jesus Christ.

By Jeffrey Brandon Lee

Instant Gratification: That Inner Beast That Threatens To Overwhelm Us

     One of the things we as Americans struggle with most is our need to be instantly gratified.  Whether it is wanting someone to answer their phone each and every time we call, or complain because our fast food dinner took 2 minutes instead of the 60 seconds they promised us, we just have to have what we want right that instant.
     As I went through college I suffered from this greatly, and even well after school.  I would always go for the job that paid a high amount of tips, but would never take a job that paid a minimal amount.  I wanted the immediate gratification of the money being in my pocket that instant.  In retrospect, it would have been far more beneficial to sacrifice a few years of lower pay in return for greater rewards in the future.
     Cell phones are a great source of gratification and also a great source of stress.  I would like you to think about the following for a few minutes.  Have you ever called someone you really care about, and they don't answer?  What is your first thought?  Maybe, 'I know they have their phone on them.  Why don't they answer!'  So you let it go for 10-15 minutes and then you call again and there is still no answer.  At this point you begin to feel a little irritated, and the next call will follow in about 5 minutes now.  If no answer at this point your mind begins to entertain wild imaginations of what may be happening on the other end of the phone.  Now the calls begin to happen every minute until there is finally an answer.  When the phone is finally answered you have worked yourself up so much that you're convinced; a) They were having an affair, b) they died in a horrible car crash, or c) they are mad at you and avoiding your calls.  Lol.  And don't pretend you have never been there, because some of you have called my phone and done that exact thing!
     If we really analyze this need for immediate satisfaction of our needs it is a little embarrassing.  Before we had cell phones what did you do?  You would simply tell someone you would call them when you got home and then you let the matter drop, and most likely didn't think about it until it was time for them to call.  As with many things in our lives, we need to control that beast within us that is constantly on the prowl for the next fix.  Because as technology evolves and we are available to everyone at every time possible, it will begin to tear us apart if we feed these desires.  So next time your wife or husband doesn't answer, just leave a message and fight the urge to call back.

By Jeffrey Brandon Lee