Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Quote of the Day: Charles Stanley

Quote of the Day:
Dr. Charles Stanley

"Colossians 3:15 urges you to 'let the peace of Christ rule in your heart.' Regardless of the pressure you may feel, wait for peace.  You may seek confirmation from others, but be careful that their confirmation is in keeping with what God has said in his Word.  Perfect peace is God's verdict when you have His mind and His way.  Don't budge until you get God's peace.  This is the final confirmation of a wise decision."

Baghdad, Iraq: Not the Peace Obama Promised

     We were told by the incumbent administration that the violence in Iraq was because of the mistreatment by our soldiers and our 'occupation', but the murderous last month in Baghdad would suggest otherwise. Once again, we have Al Qaeda claiming responsibility for 'scores' of deaths achieved through bombing and IED's.  So where is the peace we were promised once we left the region?  Is an Iraqi life worth less, now that Obama said they're living in peace now?
     Once again, as in Egypt, we have extreme Muslims blowing up their fellow countrymen on their holiest holiday.  The Iraqi government will have only one choice, and that is to react to this kind of action the same way as Saddam Hussein did, and it appears they're doing just that.  As one reported writes,"Maliki said security forces had arrested more than 800 suspects and seized large amounts of explosives and weapons since the security campaign started last month."  I'm sure the Iraqi government is going to treat these prisoners the way the American government would, and would never torture them to get information.  Yeah right.
     The Obama administration has made a huge mistake in nearly every action they have taken in the Middle East, and the main reason for this is their lack of understanding regarding Islam.  When facing a militant foe, you must use the same or greater force to contain them.  We in the 'West' will never be able to sit down with radical Islam and negotiate a peace.  The only option is to contain and pray for the second coming of Christ, which will bring the peace we desperately need.

By Jeffrey Brandon Lee

Egypt and Radical Islam's Bloody Quest

     As our President Barak Obama touted that he had brought peace to the world, especially Egypt and Libya, the reality is much darker than this.  History has shown us over and over again that when Muslim extremists are empowered, or take power, they will not relinquish it without a bloody end.  This is precisely what is happening in Egypt.
     While some in the press want to label today's violence with titles such as the AP's Hundreds reported killed as Egypt smashes protests, the reality is found later on in the same article.  Interviewing a Muslim Brotherhood fighter, on the way to attack the police, the author quotes the combatant as saying,  '"If I have to die, I will die," said the father of one child carrying several bottles of beer he said he intended to use as firebombs.'  FIREBOMBS!  Does that sound like a person who is engaged in peaceful protest?  The news media is in a constant battle to defend the Muslim extremist in a futile attempt to pacify them, but as the protesters once shouted, "We are all Osama, Obama.". 
     The sad, but true, reality is that there can never be peace with someone who's religion will not allow them to live peacefully with other religions.  They may quiet down for a period of time, while methodically planning out their next step, but in the end they will strike again!  
     In the 13th century Marco Polo witnessed the fanaticism that is Islam, when a young Muslim ruler pointed to a man on a minaret tower and motioned for him to jump.  The young man jumped to his death without a second thought.  The young ruler went on to tell Marco Polo that they cleverly brainwashed the young Bedouins into believing in 70 virgins, and a heaven of milk and honey, if they would submit to their authority. So NEVER let the news media trick you into thinking this is a modern development of the Muslim faith, because the reality is moderate Muslims are the exception, and not the rule. 

By Jeffrey Brandon Lee

Quote of the Day: John D. Rockefeller

Quote of the Day:
 John D. Rockefeller

"Sam, we are prospering.  We have a future before us, a big future.  But I don't like Jim Clark and his habits.  He is an immoral man in more ways than one.  He gambles in oil.  I don't want this business to be associated with a gambler.  Suppose I take them up the next time the threaten a dissolution.  Suppose I succeed in buying them out.  Will you come in with me?"

When contemplating going into business with someone you should always take a look at their character and moral virtues.  If they're known to be late, untrustworthy, or prone to bad is unlikely to change once you start a venture with them. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Quote of the Day

Quote from an unnamed saint:

"And I may return in faded armor
Full of patches bent and aged.
And my face the heat of battle,
To free the damned and free the slaves.
And I may know both pain and rejection,
The betrayal of my friends.
But the glory that awaits me,
Will make it worth it in the end-in the end."