Monday, April 8, 2013

Media, Journalist, and the Merenaries They Have Become!

     One of the most humorous things you can do online these days is read a liberal columnist trying to come across as unbiased.  Everyone would admit that the days of fair journalism are over, and that it's more important to play to your base than it is to be honest, but sometimes you have to scratch your head.  Is it quite possible that both sides of the argument are wrong just a little bit of the time?  Probably not, given they way they write and never once recant what they've said.
     On yahoo today there was one such article by Daivd Bauder in which he makes comments such as, "Joe Scarborough must be doing something right to be attacked by both Paul Krugman and Mark Levin in the same month."  What does that even mean?  It's clear that to this so-called 'reporter' it's not truth that matters when someone is attacked, but rather making sure that one falls in the political middle.  That's the whole problem with politicians on both sides of the isle in this day and age.  Either you're far to the right, in order to catering to your base, or you're a centrist, trying to be the man for everyone, or you're far to the left, trying to be relevant to all the cooks out there.  Take a piece of advice, take a stand for what you really believe and stop worrying about where you fall in the political spectrum.
     Scarborough is a prime example of someone who isn't concerned with truth, but instead cares about what appeals to the masses.  In the same article Scarborough is quote as saying, "I get so tired of people asking me whether we should be the moderate party or the conservative party. I just want us to stop being the stupid party." and "That's how I feel," he said. "It's really not so much about ideology as it is about good governance and tone."  So what he's trying to say is that it's more important to be able to catch the American people's attention, than it is to have a solid base of morals and beliefs.  It is also amusing to claim that Scarborough could possibly be a conservative, while at the same time working for the White House's mouth piece MSNBC.  Come on journalist, does your craft really mean so little to you these days?  Are you just a hired mercenary paid to take out the political opposition without any regard to truth or ideology?
     In this day and age I would be much more comfortable with a writer stating 'I am a liberal and here is what I think', or 'I'm a conservative and this is my point of view on the matter'.  Instead we are left up to our own devices to try and disseminate what is truth from lies, and then come up with our own opinion.  I pray that truth reigns someday soon! 

By Jeffrey Brandon Lee

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Something Different: Go Denver Nuggets!

     Well I decided to blog about something a little different today.  The National Basketball Association (NBA to Americans) is winding up its season and it looks like it's going to be a great playoffs.  My hometown team the Denver Nuggets seemed to limping into the playoffs after losing their two top scores, but last night they sent the rest of the league a message, and that was 'WE ARE NOT BACKING DOWN!"
     It was a breath of fresh air to see a team that is young and talented, challenged by adversity, come through and deliver an old-fashioned beat down on the Houston Rockets.  You could feel the energy and excitement in the air as each and every dunk was thrown down with authority.  Everyone played with an intensity and passion sorely lacking on the more 'talented' teams, and it paid off!
     The 'Energizer Bunny' Corey Brewer came off the bench and literally ran around at full steam, like a chicken with his head cut off, making every play possible.  Javelle MaGee took every opportunity to put as many Houston Rockets in personal photos that he could, while his smaller counterpart Kenneth Faried soared through the air as usual.  The crafty 'YMCA' veteran Andre Miller played like nobody was in front of him as the eyes in the back of his head paid big dividends.  All in all that was one of the most enjoyable games I have seen in recent history as the Nuggets routed the Rockets 132-114.  

By Jeffrey Brandon Lee

Saturday, April 6, 2013

North Korea Claims Nuke's Could Hit Austin, TX: Neville Chamberlain Obama Sits on His Hands

     North Korea is ratcheting up its' threats once again, as it puts Austin, TX on the map of its' possible targets.  What was Neville Chamberlain' I mean Barak Obama's response to such provocations?  A strong reaction by the international community, but what does that really mean?  By his words Obama really meant that the United States would maintain the status quot of economic sanctions and harsh rhetoric.  Seems to have worked so far, no not really.  
     Once again the media is fiercely coming to stand by the Administration and its' stance on the rouge nation of North Korea.  They even go so far as to criticize Governor Rick Perry when he stated, “Economically what has happened in Texas over the course of the last decade has made this city an epicenter for a lot of technology, a lot of economic development, and I think the individuals in North Korea understand that Austin, Texas, is a very important city in America, as do corporate CEOs and other people who are moving here in record numbers,” Perry said.  The mainstream media even went as far as taking shots at Perry, claiming that he was using this whole incident to help promote the economic job growth that has occurred in his state.  Why does this seem so irrational to the 'intelligentsia' of the left?  It's quite simple, they act just as Neville Chamberlain did when Hitler would attack, promise he would stop, attack again, and promise again, resulting in the outbreak of World War II.  The left seems to have the inability to acknowledge that there just might be some bad characters out there on the world stage, and some of them might just do what they say.
     The choice of Austin, TX goes a little deeper, and eludes the liberals just a little bit more, and that is the economic growth now going on in Texas makes it a very real target for a potential enemy of the United States!  Why would a nation, with only a hand full of nuclear weapons, at most, waste them on attacking a city such as Reno, NV?  They wouldn't of course, they would go after an economically thriving city that was vital to the growth of the nation.  Recent economic reports state that Texas and California are both poised to create 1,000,000 new jobs over the next four years, and it is no surprise that 3 of the five targets stated by the North Koreans are in these two states.  So what should we do?
     One report claims that Kim Jong Un has moved his rockets to the eastern borders to help improve in their accuracy.  So we know where the rockets are, and we have the capability to take them out, especially when they have not been launched.  So why do we hesitate?  We took preemptive action in Libya to help ouster the dictator there, and helped support the uprisings in Egypt, but why not North Korea?
     Granted the North Korean conflict is more complicated than the previous two, as one of our major allies lay just to the south of the rouge nation, but that cannot stop us from taking the necessary actions.  We cannot wait until a missle is headed into downtown Austin, San Diego, or Los Angeles!  By then 100,000's if not more will die from the utter ignorance of our government, and this can't be allowed.  It's time to stop trying placate madmen and use our Air Force to make a preemptive strike against the missile launching sites, and put this little dictator in his place.

By Jeffrey Brandon Lee